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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Salt recommendations?


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I would appreciate recommendations on which brand of salt to use. I have been using Coralife salt so far for this tank.. seems ok. Please bare in mind that I do not do any dosing, just weekly water changes. So I would really like to use the best balanced salt available out there.


So what do you use or recommend.


Thanks in advance.

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I use Instant Ocean ReefCrystals and have been doing so for almost a year with good results. Different strokes for different folks on this topic though.

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Thanks for the responses.


Reef Crystals seems very popular. Guess should have made this into a poll :)

The Pet Solutions catalog lists Kent Sea Salt as the best salt mix available today, kinda hard to find at pet stores though. Any thoughts on Kent Sea Salt?



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Thanks for the responses.


Reef Crystals seems very popular. Guess should have made this into a poll :)

The Pet Solutions catalog lists Kent Sea Salt as the best salt mix available today, kinda hard to find at pet stores though. Any thoughts on Kent Sea Salt?




How much are they paying pet solutions to say that? ;)


I would go with the 160g bucket of reef crystals for around $30. :)

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How about Oceanic Natural Salt Mix....


Has anyone tried that??


lots of people use it, but it tends to keep alkalinity a little lower than other salts.

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My friend has used both reef crystals and red sea, they're about the same and his tanks looks awesome or did before he turned it into a frag tank. Oceanic isn't that good as people said the have alkalinity problems, my lfs used to use oceanic but then they tested it and stopped. I personally use nsw but i've got to dose and am switching to reef crystals soon. btw i don't use that catalina crap i live in fl and get it myself or go to the lfs that uses nsw.

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Just a thought... those most willing to give advice are often those who are least qualified to do so.


When someone recommends anything to you (salt, equipment, etc.), do yourself a favor and look for their tank on the forum. The better their tank looks, the more weight their opinion should carry.


This will go a long way in separating the wheat from the chaff when it comes to these kinds of discussions.

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Thanks for all the advices :) Your are right clearblue, nonetheless all advice is much appreciated! Based on the all recommendations I think I am gonna go with reef crystals. But I hear that there is some kind of recall on it going on now?

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I have used IO, Tropic Marin, Red Sea Coral Pro, and Reef Crystals. I am currently using Coral Pro, but if I felt like blowing more money I would be using Tropic Marin. I found my parameters were most constant with Tropic Marin, and it dissolves really well. Coral Pro is doing a good job so far, but I haven't used it long enough to give a solid opinion on it.

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I used Reef Crystals for 3 months and my tank looked great. I recently switched to Tropic Marin and my tank has lost its pop. My corals are also having trouble adjusting not opening as well. IMO should not have switched. I am starting a new 46g using T.M. will see after three months how things go. If tank looks bad I will switch back to R.C.

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i have always used instant ocean aka io... i use it cause they stock it every where so i dont have to change what salt im using... but with all these people say reef crystals i may have to make a switch with my next salt buy and see what all the hype is about

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this is the only reference to it i found when i googled it. so apparently there is no recall, just problems with calcium and magnesium levels in the salt. that being said, i use reef crystals.




Thanks for looking that up circusordie. I guess it is a bad batch and relates to buckets only. I do not use much salt and buy smaller portions. According to the thread, it seems like they have been good about replacing the bad batches if you send it to them.

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I like Tropic Marin Regular (not Pro) and Red Sea Pro Coral. Can never decided between the two. If your wanting to buy from your LFS they you may end up with Reef Crystals....which lots of folks here are happy with.


The required tank pic:


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If you stick with following, you can't go wrong..... Key word is stick.... don't switch every water change to see if your tank gets instantly better! Sometimes I hear comments like, woo, I switched to [insert salt brand] and after 1st change, my [insert name of coral] looked much better! I think its bit misleading...


In no particular order....


Tropic Marin Pro-Reef

Red Sea Pro-Coral

Reef Crystals

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