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Rainford's Goby


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Alas, my Rainford's Goby is no more. I think. My AC broke for a few days, and despite my best efforts, tank temperatures rose alarmingly to 85 degrees for a period of 4 days until maintenance fixed the AC. My goby went missing on the third day. He has now been missing for five days. My tank has a lot of hidey holes, so he has disappeared for a day or two before, but never this long.


However, my NO2, NO3, and ammonia are all still at zero. If I had a dead fish in there I would think I would get a spike in something! Checked all around the tank for little desicated bodies. No dice. My current theory is that the hermits and possibly the cleaner shrimp ate him before he had a chance to rot (though you'd still think those extra feces would spike something).


Unless he's in a hole slowly dying. Should I disassemble the rock work looking for him, or just assume I'm down a very cute goby?


For anyone thinking of keeping one, I was worried that they might not get enough -ipods (all types :) ) to eat in such a small tank (7 gal), so I fed mine brine shrimp that had themselves been fed vitamin enriched fish food to give them some nutrative value. I did this a couple of times a week, and it seemed to work great. He was colorful and lively for the six months I had him prior to the devastating AC incident. He was a beautiful fish and very interesting to watch- he was a sleek little predator on tiny life and could not have been more of a contrast to my bumbling percula. I highly recommend them.




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Originally posted by Kendra

Alas, my Rainford's Goby is no more.  I think.  My AC broke for a few days, and despite my best efforts, tank temperatures rose alarmingly to 85 degrees for a period of 4 days until maintenance fixed the AC.  My goby went missing on the third day.  He has now been missing for five days.  My tank has a lot of hidey holes, so he has disappeared for a day or two before, but never this long.


However, my NO2, NO3, and ammonia are all still at zero.  If I had a dead fish in there I would think I would get a spike in something!  Checked all around the tank for little desicated bodies.  No dice.  My current theory is that the hermits and possibly the cleaner shrimp ate him before he had a chance to rot (though you'd still think those extra feces would spike something).


Unless he's in a hole slowly dying.  Should I disassemble the rock work looking for him, or just assume I'm down a very cute goby?


For anyone thinking of keeping one, I was worried that they might not get enough -ipods (all types :) ) to eat in such a small tank (7 gal), so I fed mine brine shrimp that had themselves been fed vitamin enriched fish food to give them some nutrative value.  I did this a couple of times a week, and it seemed to work great.  He was colorful and lively for the six months I had him prior to the devastating AC incident.  He was a beautiful fish and very interesting to watch- he was a sleek little predator on tiny life and could not have been more of a contrast to my bumbling percula.  I highly recommend them.





Ummm, 85 is only 3 degrees over the suggested 82. I guess I don't see how that would nuke anything...

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no way on the temp: not enough to nuke, IMO, and your corals would start melting before your fish did.


Check all around the carpet and fish stand: my guess, he went carpet surfing.


Love those fish, BTW

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Hmm. . . I assumed it was the temp change, since that was the only obvious change in tank parameters. Truth is, I don't know exactly how hot it got because my thermometer only goes up to 85 degrees. I usually keep my tank at 80. You're right that none of my corals were harmed though- in fact, I had huge expansion in my mushrooms and my clam. I have looked all around the tank, though I've never seen him jump before. I just don't know- maybe the mystery will be solved later, maybe not.

Thanks for the replies-


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