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Cultivated Reef

Volitan's Lionfish has disease?


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Well...I have a 2yr old lionfish, who just started losing his color, and staying at the bottom not swimming about 3 days ago...started showing white spots and I saw some mucus or film coming from his top spines yesterday??? Today he is swiming a littlemore after a huge 16 G waterchange but still has spots. His color comes back sometimes but will not eat anything...krill, silversides...I even bought 2 green chromis to see if he would eat those and nothing. The only other fish in the tank is a large Lunare Wrasse that has been in the tank with him for a long time now...There is no sign of aggression towards the lionfish from the wrasse...in fact they seem to be buddies the wrasse will sleep under him at night...


I was told to try some paraguard...but it is almost impossible to QT such a large, venomous fish about 10 inches from mouth to tail...does anyone have any ideas? The tank has been tested for amm, nitrite, nitrate...all are 0 but nitrate wich is 10ppm. Salinity is at 1.023 this is FOWLR tank no inverts, corals except a few mushrooms that came on LR that I don't really care about.


I'll try to get a picture of him.

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ok first a before picture before everything...Now after the second paraguard treatment...color is returning as I have left the lights out for the last day and a half...still has some white spots, mucus, lack of hunger??? Starting to breathe a bit faster now no signs of flashing...These were both taken with no tank lights on, and camera had flash on.If anybody has any input orideas they are welcome.

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Although your water tests come out fine, it sounds like a water quality issue and immune system problem stemming from it. Fish don't get sick unless there's some degregation of environment, diet, addition of effected fish or overall husbandry issues.


Sorry, if it's not the water quality, there's not much else it could be. I doubt old age is the cause. Maybe someone else has some ideas.



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Lionfish shed their skin somewhat regularly, and act listlessly when they do - not swimming, not eating, etc. That's probably what is happening.

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I have to say that my lionfish does not so this... he really doesn't act any different except for there being "mucous" hanging off everything. I think he would have noticed the "droopy" behaviour and not eating before now (2 year old lionfish) if he was related to normal behaviour. Mine went off food when his water needed changing. He went through a stint in a 24 gallon tank.... it was hard to keep the water under control in there. I would change the water, throw in some damsels and he would be back to his old self.

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well I added some green chromis, Changed 30 gallons but he did not pull through I even had my water checked at 2 fish stores...all is well they say....but he did not pull through, but thanks for your imput. I'm gonna leave the tank fishless for 2 months just in case? I don't know what else to do.

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