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Freshwater Dip/Bath


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I was reading through my helpful book and have read about FW dips and was wondering what tips and tactics you have on this subject. My plan was 2:


1.Put the fish in a 3-4 gal bucket (temp same as main and lower Ph8.0) using Ro water


2.Put my fish in for about 2-4 mins with an airstone


and this is the bit i didnt get. DO u then :


1. Put the fish strait in main system

2. acclimise it normal tub add water etc


I have also heard that using methanylene blue in your dip to be a safe way to remove parasities of your fish which is better ?


help apprecited Simon

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First why are you looking to do the Dip ?


Yes most saltware parasites ( Ich, Velvet.ect) can be slowed or cured by a fresh water dip.


How you would do it is.. Take a Bucket and use Fresh RO/DI water Set it to the same Temps and Ph s the main tank.. Take your fish and place it in this bucket.. if you have any parasites such as ich/ick you can accually see them burst and fall off.. leave the fish in this bucket untill it starts to struggle.. ( I.E, Heavy breathing, and starts to have issues staying upright) at witch point you will remove it and place it back into the main tank.

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I bought a clownfish from Petco last year. Since I don't trust them, I gave it a 2 minute dip in dechlorinated tap water in a cup. No problems, the fish has been happy ever since.

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dude you can get your fish drunk off fresh water! :D


sure wish it was that easy me. :



ewwww ick pustules exploding! :x

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