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i had not orignally planned on getting an anenome just yet. (tank is comming up on six months old) but my lfs had about thirty of them come in about a week before and the lady who owns the place offered me one for free. (small lfs. and i spend a pile of money in there. :*( ) so i pick out the smallest one and bring him home. now i did check to see if he'd eat, and he did. he was also stuck to a peice of lr. (also came home with him)


i did the whole drip aclimation thing with him, as perscribed by absloutec. and he seems to be happy. (don't worry abs, my 5.5 got moved to a ten gallon about 2 or three days ago. no cycle or anything as all i had was lr, 2 herms, 2 mex turbo's and a watchman goby)


so here are my specs


ten gallon tank

76 watts of 6500k light

17 lbs of lr

1 watchman goby. (still shivering in terror under his rock. the moved freaked him out)

2 red legg herms.

2 mexican turbo snails.


i orignally placed his rock at the highest point of the lr and as close to the lights as i could get it. about 8 hours later i came home to find him at the bottom of the tank. (no he didn't fall. he walked) i think he was just getting situated in to his new home, but i'm not sure. he is stuck really well to his new spot as he is located right by the intake for the power head, covered of course. i don't find anenome soup very appealing.


so i guess what i'm asking is did i do everything right? i think so. but the condy seems a little smaller that he was at the lfs. is he just spazed becuase he got relocated to a new tank or what? ???

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get the condy away from the intake or move the powerhead. it can only get ugly.


they will get bigger and smaller throughout the day but if it remains small there might be a water quality issue or a current or lighting issue. if it is current and/or lighting, the condy will move to a better spot. if it is water quality, the condy will have to rely on you to make life better.


in any event, keep an eye on it and keep it away from the powerhead. Personally, I don't think anemones and small tanks are worth the risk but, since it was free it is hard to say no.

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You are allso going to need to add some sand.. Condy like to bury there foot in the sand! ..


as for 6 months old, thats not too bad.. Just keep an eye on him.. i would have put him into a QT tank first for a couple of weeks.. just becouse i konw you Aclimated him right, does nto mean that who ever caught him or your LFS, May not have!

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arrg. i kenw iwas gonna have to do that. oh well. any way. i had no qt tank for him to go in. but i figured that my current nano would not be to great a risk as he's really the only thing i have in there next to a watchman goby. oh one other thing. i'm supposed to pick up and emrald crab this afternoon. is it too soon to add him? i just added the condy yesterday so... i'm not sure. i don't think the crab is a huge bio load but i'm pretty sure the condy is.

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forgot to say i had sand. i just figured everybody had sand in their tanks. mine's not live yet anyway. or it might be. it has been 6 months.

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funny my condy hates the sand it sticks or attaches it self to the glass and when i bought mine it grew really fast it was 1-2 inches a week ago and now its like 5-6 not joking it bought the smallest one and it is the biggest thing in my tank its huge and im just using pcs to so give it some tme it will grow

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it's gonna grow huge! X) X) X) X)


hey wait..... that would give me a good excuse.....yes that's it.... i guess i'm just gonna have to buy this little dude a bigger tank...... :happy:

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me condy's doing great. he's aclimatized really well. he's got all his tenticals raised up and best of all he's feeding! B) he hasn't even thought about wondering around the tank. and all his color is comming back. he hd begun to bleach a little under my lfs's lame @$$ lights. now he is more tanish and less white, not the he was really bad off in their tank. he just has like 4 times the light in mine now. and you can really see the difference.


i rerouted the power head intake to the hob. so not there is no way for the cony to get blenderized. i use a peice of clear tubing and stuck it over the ph intake and put the other end in to the back of the hob. the hob intake is set just under the surface to act as a surface skimmer. (thanks NJLuke!)

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