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Discovery: Mantis


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Damnit. I had good luck with my tanks so far NO: AIptasia, Cyano or Mantis.....atleast HAD no mantis.

I just discovered the little bastard......nearly 1" and fast as hell! Im gonna keep an eye on him and hopefully he doesnt cross the line!



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just 1 true perc (Bogart)..

I dont suspect he'll kill the fish, but im wondering what he'll kill: pods, brittlestar, hermits, snails.......

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I've seen someone catch one by baiting it with krill. They skewered the krill on the end of a long stick and then lured out the mantis. He then grabbed onto the bait and got netted out. They guy catching him made it look pretty easy, actually. It took him all of about 4 minutes.



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takes a bit to train them to come all the way out. ours is pretty friendly now but still not willing to come out to a nettable position.

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Interestingly, this mantis had apparently been in their system since they set it up years ago. This was actually at a LFS and with the exception of some small rocks that had corals mounted to them, no other rocks had been introduced to the system (that was their story at least). My husband saw the little critter stick his head out and the owners were appalled at the discovery to say the least. Maybe he was more baitable because he had been in there so long with no threats.



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