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Skimmer Question

Matt Peacock

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Matt Peacock

Hi all,


After a long absence from the site I'm back, and think I'll ask Christopher to change my name once he's got the new layout all done. (mattpman? what was I thinking!)


My question is however:

When I was here last, the general concensus was that skimmers on nano-reefs were bad, as they removed good aswell as bad organics.


Now it seems however that most people have/want skimmers for their nano's.


What am I missing?



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If you have eough Biological filtration, ( live rock and live sand ) atleast 1.5 lbs of rock her gallon of water then you are fine..


now must people running Nanos, when you put in that much rock it does not leave much for fish .. So they like the skimmers.

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