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What is a good moray for a nano tank?? Tank is a 20Gal. So far just one maroon clown. Heard that there is a golden moray (Gymnothorax Melatremus) that stays small?? Is this true?? Where can I find one??

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i don't believe it's a regular item (non-listed) so expect beaucoup bucks. i'd say over $500, easy. no live guarantee on those babies.


i wouldn't be surprised if they went on the restricted list soon (or already). i'm frankly surprised they're not already on it since i believe they're a hawaiian species and i thought it was getting muy tough there.


get an orchid dottyback instead imo. cheap at $40~$50.

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NO misunderstanding. I do want the dwarf golden. It looks great and I do want an eel that is veryyyyy small. U rite- they do not have one now, but us reefers are patient. Thx again.

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Gymnothorax Tile would be a much cheaper and more redily available bet for you. It is a dwarf mray/ AKA brackish water snowflake. It is golden brown with white speckels. Some people sell them as fresh water morays but this is a huge misslable!!!! They are brackish to full marine only. you can find them here. http://www.aquariumfish.net/ I think they are only like 20 bucks a pop or close to it. Just make sur eyou aclimate it slowly to full marine bnecause they keep them in light brackish water. ( Then they wonder how they died!) I kept one for about 5 years in my 100 gal brackish tank. It was my fault it died or it would be here today. I didnt keep the top of the tank totaly covered one day and came home to my eel all dried out on my carpet.

They WILL get out if your tank is not locked down tight. Make no mistake about it. They are very inquisetive little bugers and will go anywhere.

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