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First fishy has died :-( why???


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Not sure what went wrong...


Tank was doing well, up for about 2 months. The fish is a perc clown tank raised that has been in the tank itself for 2 weeks ( The only living critter in the tank minus hermits) . It has been eating everyday, and really seemed to be growing in the time it was alive. I went downstairs tonight, to only notice it gasping for air sitting in a rock. I felt so sad for him, because I watched it nearly for 1 hour trying to fight. It almost looked that he was trying to fight it off, but in the end he is just laying down about to be removed :( Its also Very odd,,, it was eating great this morning, no idea what went wrong. Tested ph: 8.0-8.3 and nitrates are at 2-5ppm. Any ideas? I know its hard to tell but what areas could I be looking at to make sure something is not wrong with the tank itself.


While i'm very sad right now.. I also don't want to be foolish and get a replacement just to have the same fate, Hopefully I can fiqure out what went wrong :*(

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mines going out to you...

i would feel terrible if i lost mine- but i would agree check the salinity, and ammonia. my guess that would be the biggest factors, be-ins that it was the only inhabatint in the tank. i hope for better luck next time for ya =)

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what would of caused an ammonia spike? Also.. I have been doing top offs without adding salt, just RO water. I haven't add any salt since first setup of the tank 2 months ago.



??? thx

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You mean you haven't checked the salinity of the water, just kept adding fresh top-off? Oh my!!



Please, please buy a refractometer or hydrometer before you do anything else to the tank.

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Originally posted by stonepran

what would of caused an ammonia spike?  Also.. I have been doing top offs without adding salt, just RO water.   I haven't add any salt since first setup of the tank 2 months ago.  



??? thx




Umm for lack of better words..



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I have tested the sal at the original time of setup, as my understanding salt does not evaporate, obviously I was clearly wrong. I felt if there was no water change (actually removing water from the tank) then the sal should of been the same from my original setup. I will do a water change, although I've noticed from a few setups on here that water changes are not necessary if you have a skimmer, perhaps that is further wrong advise? thx

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Yes, that is invalid advice.


A good way to look at reef keeping and tank maintenance is to think of a public pool.


If they never put chlorine in the thing, would you really want to swim in it?

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Even if you have a skimmer it does not mean waterchanges arn't necessary, it basically means you just have a bigger window between water changes.

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i think that some one may have led you wrong....not to dis-agree, but all i know about nano's is that a skimmer is always not a good thing. they take out alout of the good bacteria. and my weekley regament is every weekend i do a water change, my best advice to you is doing one. and as far as i know salt does NOT evaporate, but i always check mine about every 3 days, just in case something should change in the tank.

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Hey, although salt may not evaporate, your salt mix is a MIX, that means it contains other minerals that are required by your tank inhabitants to be healthy. These minerals are consumed over time, and must be replaced.


Also, alot of bad stuff builds up over time, regardless of whether you have a skimmer or not. Nitrates, for example, will build up and is best removed by doing water changes. Skimmers won't get everything.


Before you put more fish in, do some more research, buy a book on aquariums as well.



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