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Birdsnest on a suicide mission


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a little background, I noticed this about 6 weeks ago and was going to start a thread about it when I took this photo on 11/13/07, but just a few days later my tank crashed HARD, I did not have much hope of anything surviving at all and was to busy trying to save what I could, as it stands, the birdsnest lost ~20% of it's tissue but has miraculously recovered all of it






so with no further adieu, DING DING DING




in the left corner, weighing in at 185 grams.... Birdsnest




and in the right corner weighing in at 50 grams.....Galaxia!








who do you think will win?



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this may be surprising but my money is on birdsnest. when I first noticed it (galaxia just popped up out of nowhere in 3 palces on the rock) I thought aw S***, I am going to have to dig that rock out and save the birdsnest..


seriously no sheite, one day I noticed that it looked like the b-nest found the galacia and decided to attack it. you can't tell from this photo but it is prety obvious that B-nest has sent several "strikes" in to fight galaxia. that photo is a month old and there dose now appear to be some tissue loss to B-nest, but it has gained a lot of ground. I will snap a photo from further back, and you can see that Bnest is sending in tips from all directions. i think that with the size differance, B-nest will eventualy smother galaxia, but we will find out, tihis is like round 3

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here is todays pic. B-nest is taking some damage but it has a lot behind




here you start to see what galaxia is up against




I am not saying galaxia is down for the count, it just has a simple size problem and its sweepers are having less affect than a RPG on a M1 Abrams




here is a massive acoro that was 1/2 wiped out by a small galaxia in rather short order. on the left edge of the acro you can see where I used a hacksaw to remove the small galaxia (straight lines)



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That is fascinating! I wonder how the birdsnest "knows" which direction in which to grow in order to attack the galaxia. It sure seems to be "deliberate", insofar as an animal with no nervous system can do anything deliberately.


Usually I try to separate corals before they get too far into their turf wars, but I must admit, it is really cool to see one taking place.


My money is on the seriatapora. It grows much faster than the galaxia, and can afford to lose a few branches. The galaxia doesn't have that luxury, as it encrusts rather than branches. Plus the birdsnest is just waaay bigger.

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i do not know, it must be evolutionary, if the the b-nest lets the galaxia grow, then it will be in serious trouble, but even though it has only bee a few days, the B-nest shows no sign of backing down, it appears that it has even grew a few more millimeters into the dragons mouth



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no, I think it is just going to strangle it. there is very little damage to the B-nest, just less PE where it has dipped into galaxia's tenticles

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there is very little damage to the B-nest, just less PE where it has dipped into galaxia's tenticles



All signs point to Birdsnest losing!



I'd put money on it, but you might just kalk-paste the galaxia or something instead of being honest. :P

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I am not going to cheat, but if at some point it looks like the galaxia is going to wipe out the b-nest then I will cut it out of there



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Very interesting. When I first started reading, I was like the Galaxia ya doofus :P Now, I'm not so sure. Great pics, btw. Something new to observe everyday :)

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funny thig is I started off thinking B-nest all the way, and I still think it has the advantage, but galaxia is growing fast. the B-nest advantage is sheer size, but galaxia is mitigating that. I will TKO and cut the galaxia from the rock before one is killed. I have an advantage, as I can see the action from a lot of directions and unfortunatly i only know how to take pictures perpindicular to the glass

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
at this point I think they are dating :P




Lol! So, the birdsnest's branches are growing through the galaxia now, or are my eyes deceiving me? Is that even possible??

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no I think the ones you are refering to are beheind the galaxia... but they are definately growing into it... it is somthing else to watch

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  • 1 month later...

they have both grown a lot since the tank transfer to my 180, though my camera has about had it



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