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Coral Frenzy


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Anybody using the Coral Frenzy product. I havent heard about it in a while and was just wondering if anybody was feeding it to their tank?

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ive been using it for a while now in my 9g SPS only tank, i have seen better polyp extensions after i started to feed them coral frenzy but it produces crazy film on the top of the water.. and i only feed a pinch...

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I use it. Target feed it with a turkey baster or syringe. I mix it in warm distilled water first and let is sit a bit. Turn off the pumps. Squirt away. Who knows if they like it or not, but it seems to be a good inexpensive mixture of things they should like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My LFS guy gave me a free sample of this stuff a couple of weeks ago. I am actually pretty impressed by it. The first time I put it in the tank, all of my corals went nuts, my hermits started jumping off the rock trying to catch some and I even had bristle worms and brittle stars coming out with the lights on looking for it. My small yellow gorg really seems to enjoy it. It's polyps go to full extension about 10 seconds after it hits the water and it is showing new growth.


Whatever is in it seems to drive everything in the tank into a feeding frenzy. Must be crack.



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Let's see... I usually feed my tank 2-3 times a day with 2 cubes of mysis shrimp. Once every two days or so I mix some Coral Frenzy in with it and then spot feed the corals. Things grow like crazy but I am also skimming like crazy.

I think the corals do like it and do grow more compared to feeding them just mysis or shrimp (from the market for my bigger Acans or Duncan).

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i use coral frenzy mixed with reef roids. pretty sweet results from what ive seen. i dont feed my corals very often. maybe once or twice a week. but most of mine dont necessarily "need" feeding...i just like doing it.lol

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I've been using it for about a month now and all my corals loves it too. Nassarius snails go out for food and hermits go crazy like someone said. I mix it with a teaspoon of DT's plankton and brine shrimp when target feed LPS. I use a turkey baster and the rest just pour it to all the tank

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I've been using it for about a month now and all my corals loves it too. Nassarius snails go out for food and hermits go crazy like someone said. I mix it with a teaspoon of DT's plankton and brine shrimp when target feed LPS. I use a turkey baster and the rest just pour it to all the tank



hehehe so u got the coral frenzy huh? great stuff right? well just dont overfeed. i did that once and the skimmer went crazy also over did it and the bioload was just nuts so i had to do some crazy water change.

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