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Is this right?


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Ok, noob question time. I have just set up my new tank, added 10 lbs of uncured live rock and have started testing for a cycle. I have Salifert test kits, a brand which I have never used before.


Just one day after placing the rock in the tank I have these readings:


Ammonia: .05 ppm

Nitrite: 1.20 ppm (reading leel 4.0 on kit strip)

Nitrate: 100 mg/L


Is this right? For some reason I thought the trites and trates would be lower than this for at least a few days.


Additional info: using RO/DI water from Kroger's Rainbow Water machine. Using Instant Ocean salt. Salinity is 1.025.


Do the high readings warrent a water change?





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isn't the nitrite test the one where you can do a high reading or a low reading (for cycling tanks?) If so, redo the nitrite test and follow the instructions for adding fresh water to the tiny sample of tank water. Should give you more accurate results.


Also, I have been reading up on phosphate buildup during the cycle, due to the die off. So I tested my phosphates and they were at about .5 or so. Might want to keep an eye on that as well.


welcome to the dullest part of the reef. cycling hell

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