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Cultivated Reef

What do you feed you anemone?


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No whiners. There is a seperate anemone post if you want to cry about anemones.


I feed green BTA a half a chunk of Prime Reef frozen food three times a week. I have to hold the food at his mouth until he grabs on or it will float away. I am considering alternating with some frozen tiger shirmp from the grocery store. They have them on sale really cheap right now. What do you feed yours?




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I use to feed mine an asortment..


Silverside, Squid, shrimp, scallops.


I did not feed too much Frozen foods.. I prefer fresh foods.. Use to just make up a Blender mush ( in a bleander mix little bit of everything i had.. ( squit, samon,shrimp,silverside wahtever) and just give it a couple of shots of power and then use a Turkey baster and suirt some in his direction.. as what he did not catch.. my Tangs would grab up.

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