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Cultivated Reef

pod pile question


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If I wanted to help out my pod population, could I just make little piles of CC here and there for them to hang out in? should I strap some food on the piles occasionally? or is there an easier way to get some more pod action goin? ???

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Rock rubble is the best. Crush coral might be to fine. Basically what you want is an area that fish can't get in to to eat them.

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Go with a Refugium, 6 inch Deep sand bed.. and what you do is once a month .. take out a 1/2 cup of sand out of it and add it to the main tank, This would help by adding more and new life to the tank.

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My pod population is booming and I dont have a refugium..... I think it has to do with the LR you use personally...

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ya i also use a large amount of rubble behind my rock structure for them to hide...as long as they have a place to get away i guess breeding grounds...it wont get the large numbers as a refugium because those have no predators at all but same idea

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