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Silverside ...


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HI NR I recently was feeding my snowflake eel how ever though I lost one of the silversides.... I performed a weekly 20% water change to ensure that everyone is happy...


After finishing the water change I found the SMALL silverside wedged between two rocks... will this cause my nitrates to rise as there is a dead fish in my 30gallon tang ?


I ran a nitrate test when I finished the water change and my nitrates were 0.00

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Were you able to get it out? How much had it decomposed when/if you pulled it out?


I was not able to get it out and it has not yet started decomposing..

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I would pull it out if you can, or get it out to feed to your eel. The nitrate spike will be negligible to nonexistent if you get it before it really starts decomposing.


If it's hard to reach, bamboo skewers like chopsticks or, well, skewers works great for me.

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I got it out but now everyething in m tank is swimming funny..... SOMEONE PLZ HELP.... I TOOK OUT THE DEAD FISH AND NOW EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE IT'S ABOUT TO DIE... ALL MY FISHES R GULPING FOR AIR..

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Are you feaking serious?


What did you do to get out the silverside?

How long was that silverside in the tank?

Tested for Ammonia/Nitrites?

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You definitely need to be testing for ammonia. There is likely more decomposing food than the one piece. Sounds like your bioload might be too high if things went wrong that quickly. I am not familiar with your tank. Posting more info might get better advice.

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