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10G Update


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Well it's been 6 months give or take since the lovely ice storm killed off my 10G tank. Fortunately it was only in a cycle so all I had to do was wait wait wait yet again. A lot has changed since then. I've gotten into SPS, removed the HOT Refugium, added a Remora protein skimmer, Ice Probe, PH Monitor, and everything has taken off. I've recently started dosing Kalk via the slurry method as the last few months I've only done weekly 3 gallon water changes with some iodine dosing to keep the xenia happy. Here's a shot of the tank with it's first corals-capnella, shrooms, GSP, and a montipora digitata(Hi Res Photo).

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The same montipora digitata (center) a bit over a week ago along with some of my other SPS acquisitions during a water change. It was always growing albeit slowly but once I added my Remora protein skimmer in mid April it really took off along with the rest of the tank.


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A 9 day old shot of the tank. I'll have some more pics of it tonight as quite a bit has changed (pruning of xenia, and frag basket put in) with the look. Currently I have in the tank: Xenia Elongata, Pom Pom Xenia, 2 different styles of GSP (matting and branching I believe), orange zoo's, green striped and blue mushrooms, green, yellow, and brown button polps, green, brown, and pink monti caps, green capricornus, 2 different digitatas, some brownish orangish acro (I think), pink pocillopora damicornas, green candy cane, capnella, green leather (haven't ided it out of laziness), and I think that's it. Look for some more pics tonight.



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Here's a shot of the tank in it's current tank. Hi Res Shot to follow as )(&@#(^&% Time Warner Cable sucks big ones...

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do u know what you need in there? some xenia and gsp, i think it would fill the tank up some more, ill frag ya some of mine! ;)


btw, whats in that little cup thang on the right side in last pic??

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My frag grow out area. I got the idea from Zoo King Bryan and his prop tanks. Target special shower holder. All plastic no metal. Works great with holes and slits all over it. Too bad the Xenia likes it way too much. Everyday I get to pull the xenia off of it.

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