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Cultivated Reef

Ich medicine that really works


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I have just found the best medicine for ich. It is by No Sick Fish, the ich brand. You simply place 1 drop per 25 gallons in the water twice a day and the ich disappears. I started treating my tank yesterday and the fish are free of ich already (fish were covered in it) I had bought a skimmer, a sterilizer and nothing worked.


It is reef safe, and can be used in your display tank. You use it for 7 days. They have a whole line of other products, but this is the only thing I have tried. It is VERY expensive.....about $50/bottle but I think it is worth it (I actually got to borrow the bottle from my LFS for the course..so I did not have to pay anything) But I would definately recommend it and might just buy a bottle to keep on hand.


You have to keep your skimmer, sterilizer and carbon off for at least 4-5 days (which I do not like) but I am amazed at how well it works

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it is a very good possibility......it is hard to know for certain if it is just a coincidence, but I could not risk loosing anymore fish to ich. In my other tank, I lost my flame angel and my valentino puffer. (literally in one day the flame developed ich so bad that by the night it died, valentino the next day) Luckily those were the only 2 fish in that tank when it happened.


All I know is I went to bed the night before and the fish seemed fine (I am a franatic about checking fish for ich) and when I woke the next morning, a couple of my fish were covered. I gave 2 doses of this stuff and the fish were good....only one or two small spots of ich on one of the heavier infested fish the next day. Day 3 and no signs of ich anywhere. Now I am just finishing the treatment and waiting anxiously to turn my sterilizer back on to make sure it kills whatever ich is left in the tank.


I am also using garlic supplements with the food, so I am sure that has helped. The flame that I lost was one of those impulse buys that I try to avoid. It was so beautiful and bright red that I had to have it. Well, when I researched it later, I learned that flames do not do well in captivity and over 75% of them bring in some type of disease. My LFS offered to replace my flame when it died, but I decided that it was not worth the risk

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IMHO, Fallow and quarantine > any med on the market.



Garlic is not an ich cure, or treatment for that matter, btw.




http://www.reefs.org/library/article/h_cortes-jorge.html -- Study nonconclusive. Read all articles, and references.





It is at best a preventative (unproven) and appetite stimulant (unproven).

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We will see about the Ruby Reef Kick Ich. I have heard it is excellent. Our fish have a touch of ich after we changed over the twenty g to the forty g tank. Quite a stressful process. We started treatment about 5 days ago and so far they haven't gotten any worse. I will continue to treat and let you all know how it works out.

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from reading about ich it seems like it lives in most if not all tanks. Wouldn't the best course of treatment be to eliminate the stressors like fluctuations in temp, ph and nutrient levels? and provide healthy food and maybe supplements?


If you have it in your tank, and you stress a fish out by catching it, putting it in a quarantine that is not like his regular env, then moving him back chances are it will get it again.

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or you could by an $8 bottle of paraguard and add a capful to the drip bucket while you acclimate your fish. let them sit for 45 minutes and they shouldn't have any ich or oodinium on them. better yet would be a quarantine system, but not everyone has the space, time, or patience (although if you have a larger system with pricey fish it is STRONGLY recommended). a uv sterilizer on the tank, if used properly, will also help prevent the spread of ich and kill it off in it's free-swimming stage before it attaches to fish.


but no matter what medications you can buy or equipment you can use, having the appropriate tank size, good water conditions, and proper diet for your fish are the 3 best things you can do to keep them free of disease.

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i think the process of quantining is stupid. You put a fish that my not have ich, into a clean system, so it can die off. But then you introduce the fish, six weeks later, into an aquarium usually double the size, stronger current, brighter lights, more fish, and probably aggressive fish, and expect it not to get stressed??? I don't know but I had a quarantine tank and my fish still died from ich. Luckily it was only 3 fish that died and they weren't horribly expensive and were not all in my 10g qua. tank.

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