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Tropic Marine salt??


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What do you guys think of Tropic Marine Salt? Is it worth the money? Please provide the pros and cons about this salt. Thank you all in advance.

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Pro's - pretty consistant salt from batch to batch that dissolves quickly


Cons - If something is wrong, don't count on any support since there from germany (even though they have US office)

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Orange Crush

i don't know about pros and cons, but I use it and am very happy with it. Sorry I'm not more helpful.

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pretty happy with it.


pro's-(above), consistency, phosphate-absorber, seems to be well-rounded formula


con's-(above), $$$, seems to be overly abundant in carbonate (leaves a fair amount of scale), powdery (pers pref)

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Thank you guys for the quick replies. Overall do you guys recommend it or do you guys think to stay away from it? Cuz i have always use instant ocean and my lfs just ask me to give tropic marine a try. do you guys thinki should go for it?

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