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My live rock is farting.


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I jus bought a 3lb live rock for my nano tank, its a new set up... i have found no real signs of life on the rock, yet.


Well, it is doing this weird thing... Sometimes I watch it, just looking for a little worm, or maybe SOMETHING... Theres one part of it that was obviously broken from a larger piece, and its more porous than the rest... about once every couple of hours, it farts out a puff of brownish particles (smaller than sand) into the water, the particles vanish in a second.. its just weird.


i turned the HOB off, thinking it was just some kind of build up from the circulation, but it did it without the HOB running.


Is there a little flatulent animal on there or something?

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Just tagging along, as I'm interested in this too.


I have a piece of LR (okay, its just a regular rock with tons of holes in it, but it has been in my various reef tanks for years, and probably has more life on/in it than any other pieces of my LR) that does the same thing. I saw it happen only once or twice though. I noticed before I had any sort of surface skimming (overflow box) on the tank that this stuff that was squirted out collected at the top to form a disgusting layer of gunk.

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Maybe a mantis shrimp cleaning out his new burrow?


Funny you should say that, as I hear clicking noises at night. At first I thought it was the heater coming on, then I realized "wait a minute, heaters don't make clicking noises!" It may also be a pistol shrimp or something else, but I have never seen anything come out of the rock.


As I said, that rock has been around for probably close to two years in various reef tanks, who knows what it has picked up. I don't know though, I just had a Cherub Pygmy Angel mysteriously disappear a few days ago... probably completely unrelated, but you never know.

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Its a pretty small rock...

maybe 7 inches wide, 2 inches deep, and 3.5 inches tall.


the rock didnt smell pleasant, but it didnt really stink.

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That would be my guess as well. Mantis shrimp, as you probably well know, can take down animals several times their size. They're mean little bastages.

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son of a *****! I KNEW I heard a sound in my tank! I've been re-curing some completely uncured LR for the last month. For the last couple of weeks I've heard a clicking/popping sound, and I just assumed that it was bubbles popping on the surface. I turned off my powerheads, and the sound continued!


I think I'll spend some time hunting in my tank afterhours and finding that mantis shrimp. I had given a FW bath to my rock (yes, yes, I know..) to remove debris and encourage some inevitable dieoff. It scared out a few mantis shrimp, but a couple must have survived. Thanks for the heads up.

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Are MANTIS SHRIMP the ones that burrow? Or are those Pistol shrimps?


I have a shrimp that's in my fuge... he's "stuck" at the very bottom of the sand. Very small.. maybe 3/4 of an inch long and pretty thin.

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Ah awesome, thanks.... so can I throw a gobey in my 4 gallon fuge and let him chill w/ that pistol? Or hope he does? :) Just pretty much wondering if the refugium parameters are safe?

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If you have a Mantis, just be carefull and try and remove it now while you can..


Once he gets started he will go.. Killing your snails and fish..


I remeber i recided to remove the rock he was hiding in.. I was soo mad becouse i tried everything to get rid of him as he killed a Blue tang i had.. he was about 2 inches in size.. So i finally said screw it.. i got a bucket of hot water and went to pull out the rock.. and when i did i got the rock out of the water and the bastard turned around came out and slashed my hand.. I had a 1.5 inch cut across my Finger..


But in the long run the bastard was Boiled!!

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"Mantis hide in rock. Pistols dig holes."


not true about the mantis there are different speceies of mantis that burrow and there are ones that live in rocks


o dennis the only real way for u to find out if its a mantis or pistol just post a pic of it here

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Actually, if you just get a good look at it, it's easy to tell the difference. pistols look almost exactly like a lobster or crawfish and have pronounced long extended claws, typically one bigger than the other:






Whereas mantis shrimp have their raptorial appendages (smashers or spearers) tucked under their heads like a praying mantis (hence the name). In fact, when viewed from above, the mantis looks more like a caterpillar than any shrimp.



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