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Snails, quite possibly THE stupidist animal ever!


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Uggh, well I figured it was time to replenish my snail population since over the past year I lost quite a few of them, and now I know why. Well the damn things fall off of everything, I lost 1 Astrea snail within a few hours(shakes fist at the hermits) because he fell on his back, the margarita snails are constantly falling with just about every other snail(stupid turbo's to) I have. I'm constantly baby sitting these jack azz's, tearing up my tank so they don't fall prey to my hermits.


I wouldn't think it would be so damn hard to hang on to LR and smooth glass when thats what you were designed to do.


Pi$$'s me off, I just want to let them sit there and die, but I don't want to replace them and I'm not gonna let those hermits wine'n dine on my money.


/rant off

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I think the stupidest animal I have ever come across is my ex...oh this is about snails though.


I haven't had any problems with my turbos, thankfully. Those hermits are a PITA though. I have seen them picking on mine all the time, but my snails are bigger and just swing their shell around somewhat and knock the hermit off. Funny to watch actually. Good luck with the new ones.



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I have heard that they are pretty touchy about water quality. My turbo snails did that to me too, and it usually happened when nitrites or nitrates were high.

Also they could be starving if you don't have alot of diatoms, algae, or detritus for them to graze on since they are always eating.

Try a smaller snail and see what happens.

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Snails are generally dumb..yes...had the same problem with Astreas but Turbos I've found to stick better...and my damn Queen conch flips herself every couple of days and needs to be righted before the wrasse picks her to death...stupid snails...

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Maybe SG too low ? Nitrate too high? There just dying? dud snails?


I had a couple of margarita snails that were duds (dying slowly) They took about 1 month fo finally die...Not a suprise really since there colder water snails and die fast in warmer waters.


Suprisingly in the 6 months I've had my tank, my 5 Astrae snails haven't fallen down once. Sometimes there grip is so strong that I can't even remove them in fear of ripping them apart....weird.


On the other hand my Cerith snails have a very weak grip, when pulling them off I get almost no resistance at all, but they only fall down around every week or two. I usually don't have to flip them over since they can do it themselves.

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Well there not die'n so much its the being killed and eat'n by my hermits when they fall and lay on their back that ####'s me off. I prolly don't have enough algae though, come to think about it.


I have 2 astrea, 3 marg's and 2 turbo's in my 20, I never though they would be too much.

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Yup just to confirm my previous statement, the margarita's have all been eat'n by the hermits. They fell off of the back wall and onto their backs behind my lr and I said screw you guys. I wasn't about to tear up my tank for them jacka$$'s. Hopefully my 2 turbo's and 2 Astrea's can hang on, well they better hope they can. That is the last time I buy snails the stupid mother(*#%$#%^'s F*(& them in the ear.

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ive had 2 astreas somehow get between the bottom of my filter intake that is fla ton the bottom and the sand and die ,Chris

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have you thrown in a handful of empty shells yet? Do you have too many herms, are they getting enough food? maybe throw in a piece of scallop once a week.

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If they aren't getting enough food you can feed them Nori. I feed mine a strip of nori twice a week since the tank has so little algae in it. Just clamp the very edge of the nori on the glass with your magnetic scrubber. The snails will find it. Turbos will smell it from across the tank and be on it in no time.

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Originally posted by freakaccident

If they aren't getting enough food you can feed them Nori.  I feed mine a strip of nori twice a week since the tank has so little algae in it.  Just clamp the very edge of the nori on the glass with your magnetic scrubber.  The snails will find it.  Turbos will smell it from across the tank and be on it in no time.


Not before the cleaner shrimp gets to it. Cleaner shrimps are robbers and will snatch food from anything that cant get away fast enough.

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its not about hte snails fault how did you guys acclimate them? snails are VERY sensitive to acclimation and need mroe than corals and fish, shot glass method is what i use when i cant use the drip method, the things u guys are describing happens when you dont acclimate them properly or if your specific graviy changes too rapidly.

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I got 5 astera snails about 1 or 2 months ago and only two of them survived. They're still living today and they never fall off the glass. Probably because my SG is about 1.028.

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