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70w halide blasting on a 3g tank


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So... about 3 months ago I got into this hobby. Currently I'm running a ap12 with the 70 halide on it but stepping up to a 150 halide soon so decided to try another project using the 70w


Equipment so far

coralife 24w w/actinics

3g jbj pico

aquaclear 70 filter

piccolo skimmer

aquaclear 10 powerhead


livestock so far


watermelon zoas


future plans

sps and maybe some zoas






trying to scape



w/ flash couldn't find a good way to scape with the pieces I liked but I'm sure I'll change it later



lime green coraline





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hey its going nice so far


i was wondering i use to have a 3gallon nano but i highered up to a 5.5gallon


i been trying to build one of those pico skimmers i havea aquaclear 70 too i was wondering can u tell show me a close picture of that tubing? and how much inchs are they? it would really help me out thank u.

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hey its going nice so far


i was wondering i use to have a 3gallon nano but i highered up to a 5.5gallon


i been trying to build one of those pico skimmers i havea aquaclear 70 too i was wondering can u tell show me a close picture of that tubing? and how much inchs are they? it would really help me out thank u.


As far as the surface skimmer goes I couldn't tell ya because I bought it like this


anyways some pics




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As far as the surface skimmer goes I couldn't tell ya because I bought it like this


anyways some pics


Hey, that tank looks awful familiar ;) . Glad to see you got it set up ok.


If I remember correctly, the PVC consists of 2 couplings and 2 90deg elbows. All 3/4". There is just some 3/4" PVC fitted inside the elbows and couplings to connect the pieces. I used a dremel on the surface skimmer to feed the water in and drilled some holes in the elbow under the water level to pull water in the case of the water level dropping too low. I also widened the inside of the coupling that connected to the j-tube of the AC-70 in order to make it fit.

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Hey, that tank looks awfully familiar ;) . Glad to see you got it set up ok.


hey jamie, wait and see the updates after the diatom goes away :P


Well a couple days ago diatom production peaked and is slowing going away. I took out the zoas after taking the photos a couple days ago so don't worry.


anyways, today I added a clean up crew which consists of...


3 ceriths

2 astreas

3 nassarius'


and also made an ato out of a small fiji water bottle


hopefully I can add some sps in a week or two I've never really had much experience with sps before so was wondering if anyone had ideas on specific kinds of sps I should look for that would be easy to care for but also aesthetically pleasing :)

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hopefully I can add some sps in a week or two I've never really had much experience with sps before so was wondering if anyone had ideas on specific kinds of sps I should look for that would be easy to care for but also aesthetically pleasing :)


As far as SPS goes, I would start with a couple plating montiporas and work from there into maybe a couple easier acroporas. When you are ready, I can probably hook you up with some green monti cap. I have plenty. It grows really fast too.

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Nice SPS. Are those pics taken with the MH on? It looks too blue. What kind of bulb is that

some of the pics i took with the halide and the ones that look too blue theyre with the pc.


how long have you had the SPS for?


about a week, put them in yesterday but had the the frags in my aquapod

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