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Top Shelf Aquatics

2.5 Gallon Setup


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I finally found that 2.5 AGA at a lfs called Creature Castle for like 11.99. What a steal.(not really, but atleast i found it!) I finished the first known of full sized stand for the "mini-tank". I will try to get some pics up by Mon. or Tues.


1.) I was just wondering for all those 2.5er's out there what you guys used for circulation. I have a mini penguin laying around, and I can always spare a 20 for a new fancy powerhead. I am just kinda wondering when is water movement too much water movement.

2.) Lighting- I have currently a Jali setup that I bought for like i think 50 bucks when i was a newb to go over one of my refuges(stupid buy...:( ) But it has 1x13watt phillips bulb in it. It fits OK over the tank and provides good lighting for now. As soon as i can get around to it I am going to build a canopy for the 2.5 (gotta go get that Black N Decker 5 n 1 tool!!) What i was wondering was would it be cheaper to get bookworm lights or just a 2x13watt PC bright kit from AHSupply?? And where can I find the bookworms??


Thanks a bunch guys!


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Originally posted by NJLuke

1.) I was just wondering for all those 2.5er's out there what you guys used for circulation.  


2.) Lighting- And where can I find the bookworms??  





1) I will be using the smallest Whisper HOB available and I am sure any small HOB would fit the bill.


2) You can find the bookworms at Lowe's. They are with the utility lights, etc and they are packaged with yellow endcaps and are called RightLites. They are $20 per.



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Yeah thw smallest aquaclear looks like it will work out. Plus I could hook up one of those fancy dansy surface skimmers to it. Anybody know the dimensions of that puppy so i can make sure it will fit before i go out and snag one?


Also- I think I will just save the dough and get the AHSupply 2x13watts, that way I can get better bulbs and whatnot from hellolights with it at the same time and not have to figure out what to do with a little book worm bulb. Although i do like how they come in their own little enclouser thingys. I will have some pics by tonight of the stand and everything. Hopefully I will be able to get to the store to get a hydrometer(sat on my old one....no it wasnt the dip kind...pervert) and some LR and LS. Thanks for all the help guys!


-Ride it


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