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Liverock scrub down


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One of my 6-7 pound LR had been overtaken with hair algae, also noticed some bubble algae on there also. Anyway I took it out and scubbed it down in the sink w/ hot water. Looks good now, but will the rock be cool? Will it just take a while for it to come back to life? I have other rock in there btw.

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theres a few choice words that i can use for what you did and there was an even easier alternative. 1 choice word jackass 2 ignorant,3 retarded i could go on all day but i think oyu get the point. you could have just scrubbed it off in a bucket of sw and simply placed it back into the tank afterwards and dump the old water. chances are now most of your life on the rock is dead, and youll probly have to buy all new stuff

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I'm not sure what you mean by "buy all new stuff". All he did was make a piece of live rock a dead piece of reef rock. Granted, the saltwater in a bucket method would have been much much better. But, throw the rock back in and over time life will start to grow on it again and critters will eventually migrate to it. Next time just a new scrub pad and some saltwater will save you some trouble and a lot of critters. Good luck!!


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I find a soft toothbrush and a bucket of salt water works better and is less likely to scrape off corraline than a scrub brush will.

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thanks for the replies. I agree I should have used the SW bucket method, but man it was really covered in some nasty stuff. I think in the long run that particular piece of LR will be better off, there are already 2 small feather dusters that have popped up.


cjm033, chill out special ed.

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Ditto what reefin' said. CJM...Chill the funk out. Aren't you the big pothead anyway? Shouldn't you be like the king of mellow?


Reefin', next time use some SW. It'll save the bacteria and critters. From the sounds of it, though, you didn't kill the rock. The freshwater probably didn't do it an awful lot of good, but apparently, if there are feather dusters that have popped out, you didn't kill everything. The short burst of freshwater probably didn't have quite as much of an effect as the moron from VA would like you to think.


You hear that CJM? Relax. Everyone's entitled to a mistake here and there. Get off his case.

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