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Pod Your Reef

Just another Nano cube..just a little different, always updated


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Its looking nice.... I"m jealous about your tank... sick setup. I'm glad you liked the corals... and the mad hook up from $127.87 down to $54 for a coral and a clown... Hope everything works out for you... I should take some pics of my stuff.... But I need more corals... I still need the cassette tape mod to be fixed... and I need to get all that filter floss and puregin stuff... but if you need any chaeto... I got some... whichi reminds me I need to get more salt... glad everythings working out..





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yeah man thanks, hey I can take you some tropic marine salt its pretty good keeps alk/cal in balance. You should really take some pics. Skip the filter floss so you won't have to worry about cleaning it, unless you plan to keep up with it weekly. For sure ill become a regular now LOL

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Any critiques?


well... i'm a little surprised that you're not sorting out your hardware issues and letting the tank settle in before fully stocking. it doesn't really matter that you're transferring mature organisms... they're going to still have to acclimate to new lighting, flow, etc. bacteria levels WILL still fluctuate to populate the new rock and sand... not to mention your bioload:rock:water ratio is different than from the tank it came from... and you put an elegance coral in at this point?? that's a notoriously difficult coral to keep, and your tank isn't stable yet (not even the hardware).... all in all.... kinda noobish for someone doing this for 7 years. you asked.

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My tank was left for 1 week to see if any cycle would occur but nothing had happen no spikes of anything just <10 on the trates probably becasue of the water from my other system.


But other than that my params are all normal now. Yes I know that an elegance is a hard coral to keep and wanted to try and make it flourish, im sure my tank is better than the lfs.


I probably didnt have a cycle because of the BacNOW ( Bio-spira i think )

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yeah but there's more to stability than the n-cycle, no?


plus, i'm under the impression you still haven't sorted out your skimmer...


and everything i said about the bioload:rock:water ratio applies regardless of the n-cycle measurements TODAY....

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Skimmers pumping pretty well after I got the nick to adjust it right, True I'm not aruguing that theres n-cycle, and if there was a cycle I must've missed it :D

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Answeres to the 5 Questions asked



1) Its slightly the way its suppose to be

2) I actually moved him to a low flow area because I didnt want the flesh to get damaged

3) Well I'm running a 70w Halide, I could do something to diffuse that section if I see something bad happen

4)Nitrates are at 0 but I'm going to be supplamenting with DT's and spot feed everything every other week

5) She's a good 4inches away from my bubble coral

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holy sh!t *smacks head on table*


moving a little fast there buddy. fully cured rock or not, you should have at least let the tank run for a couple of weeks to check your equipment if nothing else. temperature may be a problem, and had you let the tank run for a while you could have found that out before anything was at risk. the skimmer may be defective, a pump may be shorted, so on and so forth. the glass was barely wet before you started adding things. there are more things than the nitrogen cycle to consider when building a reef. you very well may not have any cycle what so ever, but 24 hours is NOT enough time to determine that. You're lucky so far.


and 4 inches is not enough distance between aggressive lps colonies that size, i've seen smaller corals with 8" sweepers.


but other than all that, the tank does look good. nothing you can do about starting too fast now, just keep it in mind for the future. i would avoid any further lps, and keep a close eye on your water params. those big guys are going to be sucking down your calcium and carbonate, not to mention if you start adding sps.


good luck :)

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