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bluebastion's fragubator


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This weekend I finally was able to get some plans set into motion...


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Ever since my tank has started to become overcrowded with coral, I've been thinking about starting up a propagation system. At first I was aiming for a really shallow custom tank from glasscages... but then ran into bad-experience threads that put me off to that idea. Then, I ran into it...








My new 15g long. Last Sunday, I had a buddy of mine drill it and silicone an old acrylic overflow to the back of the tank... add in a bulkhead to keep it more secure, and wallah... the start of a humble beginning.


Here are more pics:





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At work on Monday(yesterday).... all day.....I couldn't get it out of my head how I needed to actually build a stand... so just like myself.. I went on a compulsive spending trip to the local hardware store.... and brought home this!!!!!




Amazing Super Industrial Strength.... wood.


And having prior expert experience in building things out of wood because I delved into the master crafting arts of loft-making in college, I made this awesome drawing using the old school "Sketch Up"... that's right... my hand and a pen:




And I turned this:




Into this:








EDIT: Why yes! I'm glad you asked... that's my sump down there. Why yes... that's a 20 Long.. my... you have a sharp eye there.

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Ehhhhhxcellent.Tagging along for this one.
Yay! My army is starting to get together.. err... did I say that out loud?
that's what she said :flower:
I'm so confused.
Looks good, I like the 15L, now go buy some eggcrate and pvc and start making racks
I'll be buying the magnetic frag racks for this project. :)
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why buy the magnetic one?ur gonna need a regular eggcrate for at least the bottom.
I want the bottom clean... with nothing in the way. I actually won't utilize the entire tank effeciently.. space wise.. as I want it pretty minimalistic. I also intend on just fragging SPS corals... so they will be high light only anyways. This also means I'll have plenty of time to plan out layouts for the racks and sump since even this tank will need to mature to keep SPS nice and happy.BTW, the stand was stained today:StandStain.jpgIt could really use another coat.. but I'm feeling lazy. I think I'm just gonna go with the one.
Stand looks nice!
Thanks man.. skills only learned in college... $60k down the drain for 4 years of training... all for this one moment in my life. :rolleyes:
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I am following along as well as we are working on my new prop tank set up.



Thanks BibleSue... if there is anything I have learned from your prop tank threads it's... propagating can be addictive in and of itself, .... and can take over your kitchen. I hope I don't get to the point that I have to make another one soon.. lol.. May it never come to pass where I would take over my own kitchen with prop tanks.... my wife would definitely kill me.

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Thanks BibleSue... if there is anything I have learned from your prop tank threads it's... propagating can be addictive in and of itself, .... and can take over your kitchen. I hope I don't get to the point that I have to make another one soon.. lol.. May it never come to pass where I would take over my own kitchen with prop tanks.... my wife would definitely kill me.


We have an apartment off the side of my kitchen & I took that over. Now hubby has to build me a counter to go over the antique stove to keep up the image. :lol: I'm moving into a AGA 30L with a 20H for the sump & we are going to try side by side rather than drilling. I may have to drill yet! Hubby's idea sounds like it will hold water but we will see.

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We have an apartment off the side of my kitchen & I took that over. Now hubby has to build me a counter to go over the antique stove to keep up the image. :lol: I'm moving into a AGA 30L with a 20H for the sump & we are going to try side by side rather than drilling. I may have to drill yet! Hubby's idea sounds like it will hold water but we will see.
Nice :) If you decide to drill, my buddy Mike used a drill press to make the hole. And when I say my buddy, I mean the guy that has worked at my LFS for 20 years.... I think the drill press is as old as the store. Anyways, all that to say... if you can get your husband to drill the tank... you can also give him the excuse to go out and get him a new drill press. (wink wink)
nice man...im def excited to see this progress
Thanks man. I'm excited to have everyone along in this journey. :)
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Lookin real good!


We need more proppers!!! WELCOME!!!!


I would like to see the stain job too! I just built a few snake racks in my basement and opted for the Minwax Water Based Stain due to the fumes and the animals. I went with custom "Aegean" and then went with "American Walnut".


Goot bildin skilz two!!

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I love parystaltic humor as much as (more) the next guy--but were you playin the word poopers, ploppers or droppers? :D


We do need more peeps that will try and grow more pieces!


I am glad to see the recent activiteh!!


Chop chop chop!!! And trade trade trade!!!

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Thanks guys for the compliments...


Well, it's been about 24 hrs since I stained the stand. Here's what it looks like with one layer. I really should do another, and I might on Saturday when I have more time. I put some drops of water on it to see if it would hold a seal and make the water bead and it did.





So pretty the color:





I pulled out some "old" pumps from storage and will be putting them to use...


Tunze pumps getting a vinegar bath



In place (pic taken before the stain)






Question on spray painting the rear pane of glass... can you use enamel based spray paint? This is what I plan to use to color the background. And yes it is a light version of baby blue.



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i was just wondering why u didnt go with another 20 ontp as u did with the bottom?
I really don't want to "deal" with more water than I need to. That question to me is just like, why didn't I go with a 40 gallon breeder, or something bigger than a 20?... It's just personal taste. I originally wanted a frag tank with only 10 total gallons of water volume... long and deep, yet very shallow... with a larger sump. This was the closest I could come up with without being screwed by glass cages.
Your stand looks better than mine... Kudos! :)
Thanks, Fosi.. staining makes a big difference though. Hides imperfections in the wood and so on. I do have a "finished" side, and a not so finished side which will be the back (wood doesn't square up just right, etc..)
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