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Captain Jack

yes, you can run a salt system in an eclipse.


An Eclipse system is not the easiest setup to use, but i have been running an Eclipse 2 hood with 2x32w CSL retrofits for over a year now. I keep a Torch coral, tons of mushrooms, polyps, feather dusters....4 fish, tons of snails and crabs and a 10" brittle star.


I have 43lbs of Fiji live rock, 3" DSB, coralline everywhere. Dose weekly with Reef Complete and twice weekly with Phytoplankton.


I run 3 PHs for good circulation. When I first setup the system i ran the Eclipse filter with the carbon removed, washed out the filter floss daily and cleaned the detritus from the filter bed. After about 6 months, i tried to run the system wihtout the Eclipse filter. It actually runs better without using the built in filter. I don't bother to run any floss either...I also keep a fresh ALGONE packet in the tank. i have had no water problems, never test and barely have to clean the tank. I change out water 25% once a month and make new water with the Tap Water filter by Aquarium Pharm.


i tried running a small protein skimmer for awhile and all it did was #### me off. the system runs great without it.


Fish: Percula clown, Banggai Cardinal, Blue Devil Damsel, Bi-Color Pseudo


yes, i am overstocked, but have been this way for a year and all's well.

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That wasn't the question. The question was 'Can you buy a saltwater eclipse system' and the answer is a simple no. I assumed the poster meant getting an eclipse already equipped for marine tank use.


I also have an Eclipse 12 that I am using for a reef tank. Took a lot to get it that way though and in retrospect I would never do it again. There are many other more viable options for a nano-reef than the eclipse.

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Eclipse tanks come in a range of sizes and shapes. The system series consits of 3, 6 and 12 gallons, and the then there's the Eclipse 1, 2 and 3. not sure what the tank's gallons are on those.


You can get these at most LFs including Petco (heaven forbid) or Petsmart as well. I'm running the Eclpipse 6 with upgraded lighting, stock filter minus the biowheel and an extra powerhead.


IMO, running an Eclipse can and has been done succesfully, but with all the changes that need ot be made to it to keep corals and so forth it would be easier to go with a standard 10 gallon tank and you can add whatever lighting suits you.


And JD...you have and Eclipse...

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I too also have an eclipse 6 gallon. I love it! It is fun always playing around with the tank and chaning somethings.


If I were to do it again, I would not get an eclipse, but I already had one so why not!

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Captain Jack

you can buy the Eclipse 1 hood for about $60 at www.petsolutions.com


whatever you do don't buy it at PetSmart or Petco.


The 10 gallon tank you can pick up a glass tank at Walmart for about $10.


As for the rest of the items, a PH will cost you between $14-$20 depending upon what GPH and brand you are looking at. I buy all my items online at the above address. Much cheaper than the stores and delivery is pretty quick.


The more rock the better in my opinion, but start out with at least 10lbs. I pay about $6.50 a lb. here in CT for decent rock, but I have seen it all the way up to $14 too.


My $20 when all is sadi and done has probably cost me between $700-$800.


Oh, forgot to mention I have 3 shrimp as well.

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