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perc clown getting black spots


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I am baffled to the reason why my perc clown has started to get really dark spots over his body, and the bits that havnt got black spots are still getting dark, i noticed about a week ago when it started to get a few small dark markings but it is just getting worse by the day. does anybody know whats going on.

All my test have came up fine, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, phosphate 0, ph 8.3. any help would be appreciated.


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is it the skin/scale getting black or darker? if so, it's a sign of age.


if the spots are more like small periods or true dots like the size of a pixel then it's got parasites, black spot disease. the best treatment are cleaners/groomers actually (e.g. shrimp cleaner or neon goby). raising the temp will accelerate the life cycle of the parasite but not make it go away.

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  • 3 months later...

Mine has had them for a month or so. I originally thought he was just maturing. Are there any medications I can throw in? The water quality is fine, and he shouldn't have a stress in the world. He is the only fish in the tank. Or is that why he is stressed?

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I doubt that's why he's stressed. It could be any number of things. Heck, mine had been fine for 8 months before he started to develop the problem. Tank was fine, no changes whatsoever. At any rate, I picked up some Kent Rx*P and had started treating the tank with it and it jumped two days later. My yellow watchman in the same tank never developed the symptoms either. Odd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 2 clownfish the smaller submissive one has irregular fairly large dark spots. The other has none and looks very good. His spots dont cause him to act ill [rapid gill, clamp fin ect...] he has had them for a month he eats and acts normal. But he does occasionely rub against my carpet of zoo's. Its not spreadable because the other one has not gotten it. the first pic is grainy shot at 4x iso. the second is a full tank shot. all water parameters are normal..

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have 3 perc in my tank, 1 large one which is defitenly the female, a smaller one which is a male and paired with the female, and a third which i'm keeping until the new tank cycles that is about the same size as the other male... Both of my males (which are about 65-75% the size of the female are turning very dark, the non-paired one even more so. Why the Female is staying BRIGHT orange. It isn't spots it's there whole bodys. Is this something to be concerned about, I've noticed it for a couple weeks now but they seems to be eating and going about there normal anenome thrashing like normal. I'm thinking about freshwater dipping them just to be on the safeside..but I figured I'd get everybody's opinions first.

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Dark Spots on Clownfish


I have a question on my perc clown fish. I have had him for 3 years and now he is getting black spots on him. his nose looks a little red also, I am very worried. I haven't any other fish in the past year except for 6 peppermint shrimp. my alkalinity is 10 .no ammonia or anything else in the water. I have herd a little about black spot disease in yellow tangs but I don't have any in my tank. I am very worried, can you help me?

www.wetwebmedia.com site (and see pix there too)... This organism would have to "come in" most likely on a Zebrasoma... and Clowns are very unlikely possible hosts... So "what is it"? Likely nervous expression (melanism) resultant from "environmental stress"... cumulative chemical/physical challenges, perhaps nutritional deficiencies... I would do the standard testing of your water for what you can, add some live rock, supplement/alter the foodstuffs you generally offer... And take heart in realizing that Clownfishes do "get spots" sort of like "age spots" in humans with age...

Bob Fenner>


for more reading,




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  • 4 months later...

Here is a pic of my clarkii's spots... I'm fairley certain they are a reaction to his habit of curling around a xenia while he's sleeping.

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Didn't fish through all the wetwebmedia stuff (god i hate that site). But clownfish get black or brown marks from coral stings. When they start hosting in a coral they need to get "acclimated" to its sting. It takes a little while, but the fish will eventually have no marks on its body once it gets used to that coral. Happened to me, and many others over on RC.

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  • 3 months later...

My Percula is getting black spots/splotches also. I wonder if it is a result of rubbing in my zoos or xenia? I will try and take a pic tonight and post.

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Those spots looks like the kind my clown had when she first started to play in mushrooms. They will go away and cause no problems

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My clown fish picked up a few dark dots after hanging around my zooa when he was trying to sleep. At first, I was concerned they were black ich but they turned out to be the wrong size. After watch my clown fish one night I saw him bumping into the zoos and the next more he/she had those little black dots again! They seem to take a few weeks to fade.



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Originally posted by xcajx

BAIN, in the second shot, what coral is behind the perc?






It was a flowerpot. It was doing great until I came home from work and the frogspawn had 4 sweepers attached to it.:( I moved it to the spot in the pic above, but it never recovered.


BTW my clown has even more black patches on him since the last pic(looks like a orange and black dairy cow now)X)

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Clowns get stung by corals as a part of there acclimatizing the coral to let them host it. Here is a picture of mine, Clownfish_copy.jpg

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You sure the clown fish isn't rubbing against some zoos or something that can sting it? One of my clown fish did that a few times and ended with small black dots on one side. They went away over the week.



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