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Zoa help


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I came back from a few(2) days away from my tank to see a group of my zoas covered in little specks that are frilly. I think they are zoa eating nudi's, but I thought I would ask for some input on what they are. I also need to know possible treatments, I fought these things on a new frag of zoas I got from another reefer, and those zoas are still ticked off(multiple FW dips). Any advice guys?






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Some of them look like it. Check out www.zoaid.com in the gallery for zoa pests. Fresh water dips with temp & ph to match tank water. I leave 3 min. then hold upside down & swoosh back & forth in a circular motion several times. Rinse with tank water & check for eggs before putting the zoos back in the tank.

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Some of them look like it. Check out www.zoaid.com in the gallery for zoa pests.


Thanks for the link, I was just feeling a little lazy to go hunt on zoaid though :)


Any tips would be great, I would really like to avoid a FW dip!

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Thanks for the link, I was just feeling a little lazy to go hunt on zoaid though :)


Any tips would be great, I would really like to avoid a FW dip!



Here you go, Your Laziness! :lol:http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gall...p;g2_itemId=384 If it's nudis, you're going to have to dip. I do a FW dip on all zoos I receive-even from the best of sellers! 3 Min. won't hurt them. Just be sure your temp & ph match. If it is a small frag/frags I get the PH right, float the water in a zip lock anchored with my mag float in my tank to get the temp right. Put the water in a food storage container & dip & swoosh.

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Thanks for the tips Biblesue, I think I am gonna have to do the FW dip.


Yep, she's right, there's really no gettin around it.


Those look like baby nudi's to me, so you need to check for eggs as well. Those will have to be picked off by hand. I put a paper towel over my fingertips when I'm picking them off. The eggs are slippery, but they will stick to a paper towel.

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Yep, she's right, there's really no gettin around it.


Those look like baby nudi's to me, so you need to check for eggs as well. Those will have to be picked off by hand. I put a paper towel over my fingertips when I'm picking them off. The eggs are slippery, but they will stick to a paper towel.


Yeah, I just did it, got some water at tank temp and PH and soaked em in it, swishing and giving em a few blasts with a turkey baster. I saw a lot of little white specks flying all over!


I did a dip on the original frag they came in on too. Gonna have to watch for eggs, but this is a big group, so it will be hard to tell.


Thanks guys!

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Look at the base of the polyps as well as around the tops. Check thoroughly! You don't want them to infest your tank!


Im gonna take a look now :)

Thanks again for the help guys.

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