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Peppermint shrimp behavior? Your experiences


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Hey, well I just got my little guy and am wondering what kind of behavior I can expect from him.


So far I've had him for 3 days and he hasn't come out from behind the lr much, which is no suprise since my yellowtail started being an A-hole the minute he tried to get under his side of the lr. So I figure the lil pep is a bit shy, that and the day after I found him laying on his side in the front of the tank, I about cried but he's doing fine so far. I am going to pull the yellowtail out for other reasons but I will wait till the pep is more comfy and to keep his stress as low as i can before terring his home apart to catch that damn damsel.


No aptasia eating yet either but again not going to worry about that for another 2 weeks, then I'll get mad.


But other than that I was wondering what I can expect from this guy. If they are reclusive and nocturnal or out and crawling all over the rock scavaging for detrious or food during the day.


What have been your experiences?

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For the most part, every peppermint that I've ever kept was pretty much a night owl. One of the five I've got now likes to come out and say hello from time to time during the day, but normally he's out after the lights go down.

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I have read many mixed opinions on peps.


I have two and it only took four days for them to loose the shyness. They are out all of the time and only hide right after molting (for about half the day) and if they are startled, and then it is only a few minutes. They love to "clean" my fingernails and hand when I stick it in the tank. My female (eggs numerous times gave her away) will sit in my hand and let me move her up and down in the water, toooo cute. She has her spot, dead center in the middle of the tank, and will bounce up and down at anything that gets to close or moves ;o) They have the best personalities and really brought my tank some life. I do not, nor ever wanted, fish in my tank, so they were perfect for me. I cannot speak about the aptasia, because I didn't have any. They are constantly on the move and always cleaning the rocks, corals, and gravel. I love 'em. They occasionally will get to going in one spot, veraciously, and I can only figure it is a bristle worm (but I have so many of those, a few eaten won't hurt).


On the flip-side, I have heard others say that they never see theirs and that they stay hidden until lights out.


Give yours a while to settle in and hopefully you will have one with loads of personality also. Good luck!



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What size tank do you have Angel? I was thinking about adding another pep and was wondering if 10g is enough space for it.

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I think most cleaner shrimps, even peps, likes to group. I had 3 in my 10 gal and they ran all over the place, they were more active at night though. They cleaned out like 10-15 aptasias the first night I put them into the tank but after that...


You know the long claws of theirs? They were built for digging deep inside holes for animals and they will stick their grubby little claws in everything. They ate all the small feather dusters and worms hiding in the rocks and everytime I put a new coral in they would poke at the rock base and pick off everything thats not attached. I spot fed them everynight with big chunks of meat and they would still pick at the rocks, its just in their nature.


Of course thats just my own experience with them and 3 in a small 10 gallon was just a bit too much. If yours doesn't eat the aptasias then make sure its really a pep and not a camel shrimp.

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