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Oh my Little Chereb


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I was thinking that it may be possible to keep a chereb/pygmy angel in my 15 gal tank becasue of it's usual max size of 2" in captivity and it's reef-safe asepcts. Has anyone else every keep a Chereb Angel before and has some advice on them plz reply


help appreciated Simon

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I haven't kept one but I believe that the "reef safe" label has been shown to be a little doubtful. I personally believe that 15g is too small for a pygmy angel given their browsing habits.

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I want an angel for my 15g too, but it's not going to cut it for the FLAME.. I don't want to put one in a space so small if I know it's not going to survive, it'd be mean!


There are a lot of other nice fish around that would fit in the 15 though ;)

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Look into starcki damsels. Not ferocious like other damsels, and similar coloration to the flameback angel. And then post pics when you get it. Cause I want one :P

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I have a 3/4" long Cherub in my 20h. It is the only fish in the tank. It zooms in and out of all the caves, and rock openings.

Very reef safe.


I had a similar sized Cherub in my 125g for about 2-1/2 years, it never grew, well....... maybe an 1/8".

It ate like a pig too.


I have only seen one 2" cherub, and it was caught at that size.

My 3/4" guy was only $ 20.00.

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