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Cultivated Reef

Painting the back of an already setup tank.


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Damn, I wish I would have done this BEFORE I set my tank up. I was wondering if anyone has painted the back of their tank after it has been setup and running? It might just be easier to get that "film" and put it up back there although that looks like real ###### once a bit fo water gets inbetween the film and the actual back glass. Either way I hate the sight of wires and white wall thru my tank :)

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They do make some sort of glue for the gluing the pictures on the back so the water can't get in between. I think they have it at Thatpetplace.com, or Thatfishplace.com. I know its in there catalog, but I'm not sure about the web.

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If you wanted to, you could clean the back of the tank really well, let it dry, and then put a thin coat of vaseline on the back and stick the tankbacking on. Works pretty well, as it pretty well seals the back of the tank.


Normally, I'm a proponent of painting the tank, but with it already up and running, I'd be leary of it.


Empty your tank out and bring it out! My wife and I are masking off a 55g for my boss tonight. We'll do yours while we're at it.

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If you aren't worried about the paint fumes, one of those paint pads might work. Similar to the roller option mentioned but you wouldn't need as much working space as with the roller.

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I painted my 10 gallon while it was up and running... what i did was put thick painters tape the edge of a full sheet of newspaper and attached it to the upper plastic frame part of the tank, then i took the newspaper and swung it overtop of the cover and taped it down. I did the same for the 2 sides of the tank and then taped the newspaper together where there was openings at the corners of the side and back of the tank... hmmm... then i just used a nice blue car engine spraypaint can and sprayed it on lightly so it did not drip, waited for it to dry and viola..... done.

you could even take the light cover off and use a specially cut piece of plastic to fit over top of your tank and tape it to the outside of the upper plastic frame all arround the tank.....

just my 2 cents of what i did... just remember to cover the 2 sides whith tape and newspaper... and spray very lightly until it is all covered.. i did one coat. I sprayed very lightly (so you could still see glass) from one side to the other, and then very lightly sprayed it again right away... i waited a few minutes to let it settle in a wee bit and did one more light spray and it was all done..... if you see that you get drips just have a towel handy, wipe it off and do it again till you spray light enough so there is no drips... thats all.....

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I spray painted my 55,s o im pretty familiar with the techniques, but id be leary of doing that because of fumes/possible over spray and also doing it inside...


The vaseline idea is a good one, might have to try it. So far though I think the roller/sponge Idea might be best... It was dumb of me not to do it in the first place.! Thanks for all the input fellas.

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