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My first fragging adventure a success!


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Well, along with the water change this mroning I also fragged off two big stalks of zenia with a very sharp surgical exacto knife. Worked like a dream. FlyGTI got one and I also got some credit at my favorite lfs.


I realize to a lot of you pros this is old hat but since this is the first weed (oops I mean coral) that grew enough to frag, I was pretty stupid excited about it.



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Congratulations. When I fragged my first xenia colony I ended up with 12 new pieces which have now spread on their own to around 100 stalks total (always good for store credits and frag meets :)). Another way of fragging with minimal cutting is by simply leaning a piece of LR against the xenia stalk. After a week or so you'll be able to slice a small section (if you even have to cut it) and have a frag already attached. :) Good luck and keep fragging. :)

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Oooh Xenias are sooo pretty...! I see stalks of 3 selling for like 40 dollars!!! Soo crazy...


Did you just use the exacto and completely severed it from the rock? Like just chopped it off? Or did you have to cut at the very bottom? Do these things have roots? Or did you just you know, cut off whereever? =T

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Yep...gotta hand it to you Jeff. Frag was in top notch condition, and is already opening and swaying in the current...probably working on a plan to take over the tank.


Many thanks, by the way. I owe you a beer or three and some help with that 180. And some frogspawn, if you want it.

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hahaaa, i wish i had a dollar for everyone who looked in my tank (when it was in my office) and asked what those plants were..


just cut it off close to the base, the bits you leave behind will probably grow into little xenias. use a super sharp knife and make 1 clean cut. be prepared for it to excrete large amounts of slime (he heee), and retract into a slime ball. attach using your prefered method (rubber bands, super glue, tooth pick, mesh, etc), basically try anything and everything until you find a way to make it stick. it should attach in a few days.


I like the 'lay some LR on it' method, let it attach itself then cut it from the mother colony. I've done this a couple of times with elongata and pom-pom xenias, seems like much less stress on mother and babies.



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The hardest part of fragging is getting up enough nerve to make the cut. It's all down hill from there.


Congradulations and keep on fraggin.


If you give enough frags away eventually everyone will feel they owe you something and thats when you make your trip around town and fill your Nano all in one day.

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