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What kind of container can i use to make a sump for my reef tank? I been told any kind of container will be fine and i been told some containers leak chemicals into the water. What kind of containers do you guys all use? I am so confused. What kind of containers are reef safe to use for a cheap form of sump????

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Gotta have a little patience when you post a question at 2am. Any glass or food-grade plastic should be fine. Is this for a nano? One of those plastic Critter Keepers should work, or a 10g tank (they're cheap enough). If it's for a bigger tank, you could use one of those Rubbermaid storage bins.

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what about containers made by stirilite and contico? are they reef safe?


I have a 20 gallon tank with a 12 gallon container sump made by contico. is this brand reef safe?

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if you can find one big enough the zip lock plastic containers are reef safe too i use that when i acclimate my new inhabitants for my tank

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if you plan on lighting the sump i'd avoid rubbermaid, contico and et al. (and that's not because they're my competitors btw :P ). the plastic is not indefinitely uv resistant, if at all. uv resistance (additive) lasts five years tops, more like two in sunlight if you ask me. :


the fluorescent lights we use will give off uv, now that won't disintegrate your tub or whatever but long-term it will be become fragile and since it'll be under constant strain may give you a flooding surprise one day. acrylic (naturally uv proof) or glass is better, a tad more expensive but not overwhelmingly so. e.g. 10g tank is $10 or so?


if you don't plan on having the sump past a couple of years or plan to do extensive maintenance regularly (yeah, right) or not going to light the sump then those tubs or buckets are fine. i'd soak/rinse them first but otherwise they're fine. rubbermaid is typically the better quality as they can garner the price level us other plastic moochers aren't allowed to have.

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