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I'm planning on buying the Kent Marine Hi-S Maxxima... for my RODI needs.... does anybody have any experience w/ it?


And how often will I have to replace the filters? Like after how many gallons? Is it of good quality? Thanks!


Any advice is welcomed :-D

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I am also wondering how often the filters would need to be replaced and what would be the average cost of replacing the membranes...

Sounds pretty expensive if they need to be replaced every year or so... any comments or feedback greatly appreciated

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I have the maxxima. Not the Hi-S model. I've only used it a little bit so far. It seems decent. You can get generic filter membranes from www.wateranywhere.com. Look at the DOW Residential membranes. They're at lease $20 cheaper than marinedepot.

I don't test TDS, so I can't give you any info on the filter's actual performance. But I have it connected to the sink with the faucet adapter, and it works pretty well.

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Christopher Marks

My first RO system was a Kent Marine. It's *not* worth the price, in my opinion, for the lower quality parts they use. You can get a top quality system elsewhere for considerably less.

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Oooh thanks Christopher! Hmm... I see a lot of good prices on eBay... like really seemingly good filters for minimal cost... from like 100-130 even! Very low... I know you get what you pay for... but could this just be a great bargain?

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Are there any brands at MARINEDEPOT that are recommended and good for their price?


Since MD is known for their good prices, I was hoping i can find one there!

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