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Cultivated Reef



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What do I need to be adding to my tank and what are the best of each? Like calcium, and phytoplankton, and other stuff. My LFS is all Kent so if its anything else I would like a cheap website where I can buy it. Thanks

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since you don't really have anything in there that needs (or consumes) these chemicals, there isn't much point at this stage...


Regular water changes will do you at this stage, give the tank some time to settle, once you start to see some coraline algae growth, or add some calcium consuming creatures to the tank then think about getting some test kits so you can find out how much your tank needs. Every tank is different, and will change over time, so measure it and dose accordingly...


a 2 part alk/Ca solution like B-Ionic is a good way to dose a small tank, (not sure what the kent product is), but you probably don't need to just yet.


feeding PhytoPlex or ZooPlex would benifit the feather dusters and sponges living in the LR, but you'd only want to add a small amount, and once again it's probably not worth it until you have some corals in there.


how often and how much water are you changing ?



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I have GSP in my tank. I just forgot to ad it. Also I does Kent Micro-vert (phytoplankton),calcium, strontium and iodine in my tank. I do a 2 gallon water change weekly. Also i've heard tropic marin has a really good salt. Is that true?

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