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Identification please!


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Hey all, found some cool looking things on my LR. Here are some pics, can you help me identify them?


Most are probably nothing but I thought I would check anyway. This stuff is fun! Nano-reefs rule.


1st - Cucumber?




2nd - No clue. Little orange tipped thing






3 - Mushrooms? I know its blurry sorry.




4 - Hair?




The pictures aren't the greatest, but I tried.


Thanks in advance.



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#4 is probably this:


The finger hydroid, probably some individuals of a Myriothele sp. The tentacles may extend out a long distance from the body.These animals were about 3 or 4 mm long (about an 1/8th of an inch) contracted, but may be almost an inch long when fully extended..


These animals are among the more weird animals in a group that has a lot of weird species in it. They are individual hydroid animals, but the polyp is highly modified to be cylindrical in shape with the mouth at the upper end. The base fastens to the substrate with special modified tentacles and the body extends up into the water. In one aquarium, at least, the tentacles extend after dark and are relatively long. These hydroids are definitely aggressive and are quite capable of "burning" or stinging other aquarium animals.

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