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Peppermint and cleaner shrimp ok?


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Hey, I wanted to buy these 2 shrimp and am wondering how well they can live together. Can they without killing one another?

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deacon hemp

When i started over a year ago i had a pep first to rid aipistia anenomes and then i added a skunk cleaner.the cleaner basically attacked the pep every time it got too close!eventually the pep sat in a top corner,looking like he was begging to be netted so i got rid of him.


Thats just what happened to me,i'm sure other peeps have had different results,I'd go with a pair of cleaners right off the bat!

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All shrimp tend to fight amongst themselves. I think it is not a good idea of keeping more than one shrimp in a small space (nano) unless you are trying to mate a pair of the same species.

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