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please help... clownfish sick?


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hi, we have had our tank a good few months now, and cycled...

we have just bought our first fish, 2 clownfish, as we were advised to buy 2 together.

we got them on monday just gone (6 days)

that is all we have in the tank. (apart from a feather duster which was attached to our live rock)

they have been fine until now swimming along getting on great together.

but last night we noticed one stayed swimming about and the other (we call ollie) was staying at the top in the corner, and if tried to venture out, the other (nemo - sad we know, but our girls chose the names!) would go towards it to stop it!

we thought this would stop, but today after getting home from being at work, we noticed they are still doing the same except, ollie seems to be opening and closing his mouth alot (only slightly openiing, not huge gsaps for air), and swimming about very slowly only in the corner, and if he tries to come out at all, nemo really goes for him.

nemo is swimming about very fast i suppose you would say darting about, and being quite agressive towards ollie, even going in the corner at himm when ollie isnt even moving!

we are very worried as this is our first tank, and our 2 little girls are getting upset that nemo will kill ollie! ahh...

we are hoping you may be able to help as the fish shop is shut now so dont know who else to ask for advice...

if anyone can help, we are very grateful...

thank you!

sorry for waffling but ust trying to explain everything for you...

thank you, Paula :)


P.S - sorry forgot to say, we went to feed them just now, and nemo was wolfing eveything down, and still looking for more, as if starving, where as ollie wouldnt eat anything even with the food right next to him... :(

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they are pairing up. either that or not getting along. if it's the latter, then your best bet would be to remove the fish that's getting beaten up and maybe try again. clownfish don't always get along.


how big is your tank?



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they are pairing up. either that or not getting along. if it's the latter, then your best bet would be to remove the fish that's getting beaten up and maybe try again. clownfish don't always get along.


how big is your tank?





hi, our tank is 96 litres (about 20 gallon)


its awful to watch... thye have been fine until now, really getting on, always together, they wouldnt leave each others side, always staying together.

just been looking again, nemo isnt going for ollie as much now, but ollie is definitrly not right. :(

looking at their fins, they are orange (nearest the body), then black and then on the outside clear almost feathery looking (does that make sense), well ollie's clear feathery bits on the outside are quite seperated and tatty looking...

i hope this makes sense??

dont know if this means anything at all...?

if i was to remove ollie, the weaker one. what would you suggest to put him in? /(without sounding stupid) as the water in the tank is kept heated all the time, what would we do?

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you would put him in a bag and return him to a store or sell him to another reefer. sounds like he is getting beat pretty bad :( wait a few more days and things might (hopefully) get better.



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fraggle rockette

i would see if your LFS would let you do a trade in. it sounds like they weren't paired up and are not different enough in size to, hence your fishies tattered fins. good news is you can try another smaller clown. hth. :)

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until you get someone who is a little more knowledgable on the subject, turn off the lights in the aquarium, cover them up and leave them off the rest of the day.


It sounds to me (I just had a clownfish get killed by another clown-but I added him in later) that Nemo (my clowns name) is attacking Olli.


I would recommend selling back Nemo to the store you got him from, as Nemo might have become an aggressive fish and could possibly stay that way towards other fish. My parents had a clown that went after all of their other fish.


Or if your store would buy back Ollie, even though he is bitten, you might want to try to sell him back as it might be hard on the girls if he was to die anyway and then you have sold back Nemo.


If you do sell Ollie back, I would add another fish right away. Not another clown, as this would happen again, but someother type of fish, maybe a blenny or a goby that will hide out a little. That way Nemo will not get totally possessive of the tank.


Do you have a lot of rock and hiding places set up in your tank? Make sure that your rocks are set up so that the fish can hid well, no matter what you do.


Good luck

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hello all,

thank you all for your repsonses,

yes we have alot of live rock and hidy places, which we researched alot before taking the plunge and doing each step...

so the fins it sounds on ollie are a result of the other fish attacking it?


just thought of something else...

we have some bristleworms, one of which we think is quite big, we have been putting a trap in to get them, but with no luck...


this wouldnt have anythign to do with it would it?


thank you for all your comments, we will take it all on board, and definitely for the rest iof the night monitor them closely until tomorrow when the shop opens again (we are in the uk, so it is 8pm here now)

thank you all again!

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