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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Issues with B-Ionic


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Started using b-ionic as my two-part. the recommended dosage is 1ml per 4gal. I was dosing this amt. and my alk and calciums lvls dropped. I increased the dosage amount and lvls came back up but now my ph is at 8.6 So all you B-Ionic users out there I need your help to find a happy medium.

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Everyday with dosing, amount is 6ml which is 1ml per 4gal on a 26gal tank. Lvls before dosing were cal-420ppm, alk 8dkH, and pH 8.3

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Your over dosing, you need to take into account the actual amount of water in your tank. My BC29 hold only 20 gallons of water. You need to take into account the displacement of water from the sand and the rocks in your tank.


Also if your levels are at 420 what is the need for dosing? Your SW may already have calcium and other supplements added to them. What kind of salt are you using?


Also if you do decide to go with the B-ionic try to determine what your calcium depletion is on a daily basis. You may only need to dose every third day.

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Sorry the 420 was maintained with Kent Marine Calicum. I may change salt mix Im using Oceanic which has poor buffer capacity. dosing with the b-ionic dropped my cal and alk lvls but raised my pH.

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well I'm stummped then. I still think you may have been dosing too much but you would think that would raise your calcium levels too high. Check out this article about instant ocean and the use of buffers causing an unnaturally high ph. This may be what is causing your ph problem



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What test kit are you using for PH? If you haven't tried another kit, take it to your LFS. They should have a PH probe that they can use to test it.

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pH is test is fine never had a problem before tank has been running for 6mos.


That was my first thought too about the mg.lvl, checked that also and its fine.


I think I found the problem. 1. Dosing midday sometimes, and 2. Using saltmix with poor buffer capacity and trying to dose higher with the alk, although still doesnt explain why the calicum lvl dropped.

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The 1ml / 4 gallon ratio is just a manufacturer starting point. You need to know how much alk / ca your tank is consuming daily. Test your tank at the same time each day for a few days in a row. Note the amount consumed. ONce you figure that out, this is a very helpful link to help you determine an appropriate amount to dose daily in order to keep up with your tanks demand.

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