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Cultivated Reef

15 gallon, what to combine w/ this PH?


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Okay, I want the potential to keep everything, hehe, everything that can go in a 15g LONG I mean :)


So... I know it matters a lot to position the PHs... right now I have a Rio 90 pumping @ 85 gph... really low... so I need an accomdating pump that has the potential to make my tank have optimal pump...


Which do you guys think I should go for?


I have been thinking about the


Mini-Jet 606

Or any of the Maxi-Jets (600 or 900 or 1200)


Any suggestions?


I did a thorough search, I didn't find anything that specifically answers what I need... please HELP!

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I would buy a Aquaglobe 200. There tiny, quiet, low cost, don't heat the water up much, have adjustable flow from 0 to 200gph & they have rotatable nozzles....although some people have reported "problems" with some of them (me *cough*). :P Everyone should try a aquaglobe at least once.


If not that, then a mini-jet 606 is what I would say, its bigger than aquaglobes and the nozzle isn't rotatable (and cost more, has less attachments, more noisy, etc etc :P), but there made very well and are still farily small.

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Ah thanks, so I'll have 285 gph pumping if I max out the aquaglobe 200....


Are the maxi-jets really that big to stay away from?



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