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I have a 75 gallon tank and a couple of my fish have seem to contracted ich. My hippo tang has it and so does my blue devil damsel. is there any way to treat it without taking my fish out because it is nearly impossible to catch them. and also i have a sea urchin if i treat my main tank would that be bad?? help please any treatmen info would help im kinda a newbie at this. thanks

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They need to go in a Quarantine tank. The parasite will continue to exist and re-attach itself to the host if they stay in the tank.

Treating the main tank is a bad idea.

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I've had the same problem with my Hippo tang. It got ich. Just leave them be and don't stress the tank out. If the ich gets worse, then QT and treat them. Ich is maintly from stress, so you don't want to stress them.


My tang hasn't had ich since (about 2 months or so) and I didn't do nothin but feed them formula 1 (Has alot of vitamins that are good for the imune system) seaweed strips, and just let them calm down. Ich went away within 3-5 days, and it was some bad ich too (all over the body).


JM .02


PS, after the ich is gone, put them in the QT anyway so the parasites in the main tank will die off.

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get a couple of cleaner shrimp-they will clean the ich off of him possibly. I have a cleaner and he actually goes after my fish at first to clean them. Now, I swear, they line up for their daily cleaning!

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Cleaner shrimp can be hit or miss. IMO the best way to treat ich is to feed high quality foods and have good water quality. I would recommend feeding frozen food (mysis, cyclopeeze, or brine) that has been soaked in a vitamin supplement and garlic. I personally use Zoe and Zoecon, along with Garlic Guard, and then soak the food for at least an hour (in the fridge) before feeding. Just be sure to let it come to room temp before putting it in the tank, because they will eat it better.

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