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What to add to feed corals?


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I asked this about a week ago and only got one single answer. I thought I'd throw it out there again to see of anyone else felt liek throwing down before I get some corals of my own shortly.





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Jeff, I sent you an email, as requested. Please note that if someone answered the question and nobody else responded, it could be that anyone else that read the answer felt that the question was answered and further input was unneccessary

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I agree with Crakeur. I went back to reread your last post and Rush did a great job answering your question. Did you get a chance to read the psot by Eric Borneman? If not here ya go:



Personally all I do is phytoplankton and occasionally they catch tiny pieces of food that fall onto their polyps. My green button and yellow polyps are quite good at snagging pieces of flake or brine. As of right now I don't have any corals that require direct feeding so I can't help you with that. HTH

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