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Cultivated Reef

yellow polyps part 2


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i ahve found the reason for my polyps closing and now there starting to die do to gammarus shrimp and some mysid are smothering them. and then when they die they detach em from the rocks. im looking for a fish that will go in my 2.5 permantly or temporarily to rid me of these bastards. i refuse to do a mandarin unless thats what it boils down to at the very last straw i was thinking a scooter blenny. any body have any suggesations for other fish to rid me of them ? or is the scooter my best bet since even if the population is gone i have a chance of keeping it and feeding it frozen but if that dont work alway got o the lfs for credit. i need help as quick as possible i wanna go to the lfs soon to get the fish thanks for your help,Chris

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i was thinking that at first but my polyps are on that same rock so thats sorta out of the picture i think i mtie go to the lfs this week and just get the scooter blenny. ive been squirting the little turds with a turkey baster and some of the living polyps are starting to open again but i think the blenny will rid me of them for good,chris

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I don't have a answer, but my yellow polyps have died over the past month and I never figured out why.


I had 1 main colony that I fragged into different places in the tank and every single one of them died except for this one polyp that is in the sand...strange. I had yellow polyps next to that single polyp on a different rock and those died to, but this 1 polyp still lives for some strange reason :o

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Too bad we don't live near each other. You could get a mandarin and when it ate all of your junk I could use it to eat all of my pods. Stupid pods in my 10g are starting to make it look like the water is dirty. I have a goby and a clown in the tank but neither will touch the pods. I even cleaned and rinsed my 10g refugium out to help rid some of the pods. No luck. I may get a mandarin and let him wipe out the pod population.

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Try a small six line wrasse. I I use to have one in my 20 gal and it ate most of, if not all my pods. They will also eat pellets and flakes if they run out of pods. They also make good addition to any tank IMO.

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Next time I prune the caulerpa I will send you a baggie. That should have at least a few hundred pods in it.


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Having some and having 5 billion are different situations all together. I cant see why anyone would want so many that they cloud the water.

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welli stopped by the lfs today and they were out of six lines and scooters i think im gonna go with the 6 line for the fact that they will eat other foods easily besides the pods when they are gone im gonna wait tillthe owner gets in an have him order me one so i get my discount cuz i know himt hanks for your help (o btw i have been squirting the shrimp off recently and the polyps actually started to spread a bit more i lost 1/2 of my colony tho hopefully theyll spread rapidly) thanks for all your help again,Chris

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grammus shrimp? aww i like the lil buggers, theyre cute, yeah they can get to be problematic when theres no fish in the tank but they make great! live food. take em out and feed to your freshwater fish im pretty sure theyll like em just as much too :). get some graccillia they love to live in that stuff, maybe theyll all live there and not on your rocks. anyways i HIGHLY doubt it was the grammus shrimp taht killed ure polyps...they dont eat corals

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they didnt eat them they smothered them and for some odd reson detach em form the rocks and let em float around dead its very odd and ####es me off sorta i like em but not in big numbers lol. i tried to catch some for the fw tank but im too slow and lazy lol, so i figure i get the six line and let it do all the work,Chris

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