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Cultivated Reef

What is wrong with my starfish?


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My starfish does not come out very often anymore, where he used to go crazy if I put anything in the tank. He is a serpent star and I've had him for the life of my tank. His back (head, body, whatever) is scaly, bumpy and pale. Its pretty gross. Has anyone else ever seen anything like that? The rest of the tank is great. Very healthy.

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might have eaten something bad. are you sure the rest of your tank is fine? what are the water parameters? serpent stars are supposed to be very hardy.



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I know this is terrible, but I haven't checked my perameters in quite sometime. The only thing that seems to ever fluctuate is my salinity, it got high there for awhile with all of the evaporation and I didn't top off as often as I should. Now it is back down, to like .0122 or so. I haven't even checked anything else in a while. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. I guess I think everything is o.k. b/c it all looks great. Everyone is eating, my corals are open and spreading, and my fish and crabs are busy and colorful.

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  • 1 month later...

It's a brittle star. Turns out he wasn't getting enough to eat, per my lfs. He never comes out anymore and I just use a turkey baster to get the food straight to him. I don't know if it helping or not. Maybe he is just old too.

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:bowdown: I have the laziest star you ever seen (or have not seen) He hides in a rock and never comes out)

He has me trained very well. When he is hungry he will raise one of his legs when I am feeding everything else, and I know that he will take a piece of krill. So I will grab a piece and place it on his arm and he will eat. If he is not hungry, he will not even move his arm. I thought he was stuck in the rock one day so I re-landscaped, and the star just crawled back into his little cave and went back to sleep. He is healthy as he can be, big and fat and his color is good. He is just spoiled. Just wait until I get the new tank set up, no more hand feeding for him!! He is going to have to work for his food.

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