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Cultivated Reef

Can you suggest a good skimmer?


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Looking to find a good skimmer for a 10g tank. I'm also thinking about going DSB, but would like to read up more on it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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You really shouldn't need, or get any true help from a DSB in a small tank. I'd just stick a normal 1-2inch sand bed. Without using the DSB , I would then get a skimmer and would recommend a CPR. They are very well built, and very well priced. I'm guessing your going sumpless so I get the CPR BAKPACK model. Should run you around $99-$129.


GL !!



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can you guys suggest online venders where i can find a cpr skimmer or a piccolo skimmer? cpr has a lot of different choices...any specific model? thanks!:happy:

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you might want to rethink the cpr skimmer on a 10 gallon tank. it's real big (just put one on my 26).


picollo is near impossible to find online. try your lfs. ask them to order it for you.

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