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Cultivated Reef

Ich. i need a definitive answer


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params (i'm very proud of them hehe)

Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0

Ph 8

Calcium: 0

Age: 2 months


Bio Load:

cleaner shrimp

2x Clowns

8 gallon tank


no coral.

lots of algae


they've both got white boogery (word?) build up in little spots on there mouths (i think it's because they bite each other alot) and around there necks. it's getting worse i've fresh water dipped them both twice for 10 minutes in the last week. it hasn't seemed to help much.


what have you guys done to cure it?

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Well clowns take bites at each other the first few weeks and even months, since clowns are born male they fight to see who will become female and well the biggest one is the one that becomes female later on. I dont see why they would get infections from their bitting. far as white spots, does the spots look simular to grains of salt?, if so its ick and if your clowns have ick and they are eating right they can fight it off just fine since the ick just need a host for a few days and then fall off. I'm not a fan about medicating my tanks, but if wich to do so since you dont have coral well you have one invert so that may not be a good idea but if you were not to have inverts in the tank i would medicat the tank with coppermin. I suggest you just let them fight it off on their own if they are eating well just feed your fish very well and they will do just fine. In the future i would suggest getting a UV steralize that will kill all free floating mico organ... your water would be parasite free and crystal clear.

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Ich is almost always present in a fish tank. It will come out when your fish are stressed out or your water params fall under par.


I don't know if I would treat with copper in your display tank you will NEVER be able to use it as a reef once copper is added.


If anything get that fish in a small QT tank and does that with copper.

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That dont sound like ich, from the discription you gave. Im not sure what that could be, but dont use copper in your display tank if you have any Inverts. Calcium 0 ? hmmm. Clowns are born niether male nor female just for the record.

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That dont sound like ich, from the discription you gave. Im not sure what that could be, but dont use copper in your display tank if you have any Inverts. Calcium 0 ? hmmm. Clowns are born niether male nor female just for the record.

+2 theyre androgynous and no thats not ich. it sounds like a mouth fungus (i like to call it cottonmouth hehe) but either way you need to get some anti-bacterial treatment like maricyn 2 or nitrofurizone etc. I forget which one exactly treats mouth fungus.

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if it was ick, the cure would be to remove the stressor compromising the fish's immune system. In this case, it would be having two clowns in an 8 gallon tank...


And +1 to the "it's not ick" club. White snotty stuff coming out of their mouths definitely isn't ick. Sometimes I wonder if people even read a post before they reply...

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sounds more like lymphocystis which is a virus. captive clowns are very very suseptable to this for whatever reason.


clowns are sexless, then male, then female.


i cure for ick is to QT first. all it takes is TLC to get rid of it. Medicating is a great way to sell products at pet stores. good husbandry will work fine. i do have reservations about 2 clowns in a 8g tank long term though. they may get repetatively sick because of it down the road. FYI.

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"The disease poses no known health hazard to humans. To decrease spreading this disease to other fishes, infected fish should be buried or burned, and not thrown back into the water."


thanks Six i think thats what my clowns have, which makes me sad. so what should i do burn or bury lol. i'll try and find a cure on google. thanks for all your help, i will never assumer ich again.

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