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Why is my kenya tree acting up?


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My kenya tree has web-like things growing on it, i think it might be those snails casuing it but i dont know what those snails look like and havent seen any snails except for the ones i had bought. The coral itself looks dead cus its not as puffy as before and seems to be falling apart..pic is posted pls. help me.



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My Kenya would shrivel up from time to time, then I moved it more into the open and unless a snail or hermit crawl all over it, its not shriveled yet. Hope that helps. Happy reefing

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Shriveling from time to time is common, as well as dropping frags, but I would worry about the webbing. I can;t see ti in the pack, but like Joe said, flow may help.


And of course, check all your parameters.


How long have you had it?

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I added more flow to the coral, it is placed in the path of the return, the webs on the tree are moving just not the tree itself.


Parameters: NH3 - less than .025ppm, NO2 - Undetectable, pH -8.0

NO3 - undetectable for some reason


Now, there are parts on the kenya tree that have turned brown, i think those are dead parts..should i remove the colony of the briown parts and fragg off what is left? I just dont want the whole thing to die

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I noticed just to the left of the coral on the rock some white stringy stuff. Probley a spaghetti worm, thats what is on your coral. The brown spots could be a result of lighting issues. Over all I just think it needs to be placed in the right spot in the tank and it should be fine.

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