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Super glue

Keng Yew, Leong

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Keng Yew, Leong

Will any type of super glue do for pasting coral frags? The only imported brand that I can find in my country is Selleys, it's made in Australia. I wonder if it will be OK?

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I was in my LFS yeserday picking up a new clownfish and got into a discussion of fragging with the owner. He told me to NEVER-NEVER-NEVER use super glue 'cuz it'll CRASH your system.


So we discussed Errrr... argued... about it for a few minutes. He also told me I needed a big filtration unit to have fish and corals in a 10g and it wasn't a good idea. On top of that... I paid $20 for a freakin' clown!


I'm thinking you're better off listening to the experience here than what a LFS owner tells you. Especially if they only have one stock tank for SW set up. B)

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