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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Help!!!! What Happened


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I have an condy anemone in my ten gallon and it has been doing fine!!

All my paramaters are fine.


He had been in the same place for a few weeks(about 2-3) and looked fine and healthy!


Last night I feed my anemone and he still looked fine but he had moved in my tank for the first time.


He moved close to my power fileter intake.


NOW:*( I no longer see him and all I see if little peices of him all over the tank.


It is like he lost all of his tenicals (kinda like he exploded).


If he got stuck in the intake would this have happened or did he just die or what??????


Please help me I don't what to make a mistake again if I did something wrong.




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I am just wondering why I should start all over again????


Is there somthing that is in my tank now that would kill everything????




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the anemone is going to decay fast and the toxins it releases into the water can crash your tank big time.


get yourself a nice clothespin for your nose as the smell is gonna make you sick.

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