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Saltwater Goldfish Acclim.


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Has anyone tried to assimilate a goldfish into saltwater?


Any ideas, thoughts or experiences with assimilating FO fish into SW?

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Has anyone tried to assimilate a goldfish into saltwater?


Any ideas, thoughts or experiences with assimilating FO fish into SW?


I don't think you can do that.

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I know you can acclimate a FW molly into a saltwater. I have no idea about a goldfish, i don't think you can get them to live in saltwater.

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Has anyone tried to assimilate a goldfish into saltwater?


His nanoprobes should enable him to adapt


nerdy AND obscure?

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AFAIK, this only works somewhat with fish that are already brackish in nature and able to take a little salt. Many common freshwater fish are actually brackish (mollies, guppies, swordtails, some catfish, some cichlids) so it can work with them in the short-term. It doesn't seem successful for the full life of the fish in many cases. And some freshwater fish are brackish as juveniles and then need close to full-strength salt as adults, so they acclimate fine. But that's because their bodies are able to adapt to it.


In fresh water, a fish has water constantly entering its body and it has to pee a lot to get rid of that extra water. In salt water, the salt pulls water OUT of the fish's body and the fish has to constantly drink water to replenish it. That's a major adjustment to make and only some fish are able to go from fresh to salt.


Goldfish aren't in this category. They also need cool water and large tanks to do well.


Don't do it.

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Yeah I wouldnt do it. I know that guppies, and mollies can be acclimated to SW but you have to do it slowly. Ghost shrimp too.

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Wow. No one asked the obvious question.....Why would you want to? :mellow:




WHO ELSE has goldfish in a saltwater tank?

i would just stick with guppies or mollys if you were to do so.

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Wow, I just remembered that I saw a goldfish living in these abandoned pools, the old Sutro Baths next to the ocean. I saw a bright orange thing swimming under some macro algae and debry. It was so bright underwater and was huge, like about 10". It came up for a breath of air when I could make out that it was definitely one of those fat pudgy fancy goldfish. It immediately turned back around a waddled to deeper water. Tripped me out since these pools get filled up with saltwater when the waves are big. Water run off is fresh water that spills into the pools, so I would guess more brackish water. I had dismissed it as a hallucination until I read this thread. Guess goldfish can acclimate to saltwater.

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ive seen goldfish living in near septic tank conditions, but saltwater?


but i guess at .15 cent a fish its not breaking the bank to experiment....


you work at petco or something?

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